Friday, January 6, 2023

Epiphany - Old Christmas

Present giving in my father's family when he was in England still was on the 6th of January. He lived at Eastleigh with his parents and they would go home to my grandfather's parents to see them and share gifts on Old Christmas. I do not actually remember my grandfather saying that but again at 8 years of age lots of things are jumbled in my mind (but my father being the only male Blake grandson was absolutely beloved of his grandfather Edward Blake). For some thoughts clarity probably because of repetition but for others somewhat of a jumble of names and places. However, as I moved backwards in time back in 2006 when I really started to look at my Blake family, I was surprised often enough that clear thoughts did come to me when I reached back looking at the records. Occasionally I would dream about my grandfather and recall items in my sleep that were hidden away in my brain; it was an exciting time for my genealogical pursuits for sure but mostly it was the DNA that was and continues to attract me to the study of my ancestors. Learning where my ancient ancestors lived was truly fascinating and there will be more to come on that as archaeological digs become the excitement of the day (names lose their meaning way back  a thousand plus years - the DNA leads the way). Learning about our ancestors may help us to learn how to live together; we are a small world now really; you can go anywhere in the world in a day. Nothing can happen in the world that we do not hear about almost instantly. 

One is left to ponder why do China and Russia hate the United States - does jealousy rear its evil head once again along with the desire to control people? In China there is a degree of people led government on the local level and so long as the maxims of the Communist Regime there are not bridged everyone can be happy. The idea of taxing the rich to help the poor is one of their said desires and I can only support that idea - it makes for a happier and more prosperous people in the long run. So is China jealous of the popularity of the United States in the world; of their ability to excite countries into being part of their trading ethos - the American Dream is alive and real in the United States for those who find a way to work themselves into such a position. It really doesn't exist anywhere else although one does see wealthy people in China but they are about to be taxed to help the bulk of the people so not really the same type of thing. China helps people around the globe with their different trade policies but are they doing it because they want the world to be a better place or is it solely to counter the popularity of the United States of America. Russia hates the United States because it wants to be the lead dictator in the world imprisoning people all over so that a few can be rich and powerful and the masses continue to live as the serfs lived in Russia for centuries and one wonders if the bulk of the population there still live mostly as serfs obeying the whim of the Nazi dictator Putin and his enablers (they keep sending their sons to their death in Ukraine). America stands in the way of such nazi desires of Putin and his enablers along with the European Union and the United Kingdom and Commonwealth (except for India - why does India cozy up to the Russians (cheap oil only; that may become problematic for them as linking yourself in any way to a Nazi regime like Russia can hurt you - Nazis do not respect anyone but the group which is Putin and his enablers))?. We support the Americans in their desire for the world to be a freer place. We need to put more money on the table for our military though so that we are supporting them with hardware as well as words.

Interesting the idea of having Vice President Pence as Speaker of the House in the United States - I think he would be excellent and really deserves such a position given his devotion to the Constitution which he displayed on this day just one year ago today. One wonders if Republicans will rally around such a devoted person as VP Pence proved to be last year and throughout his life. Mind you I do not generally express thoughts on other countries' governments but this does sound like a really good idea.

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