Thursday, January 5, 2023

Perhaps my mind doesn't think the same as everyone else but jealousy is a deadly disease

As the days pass towards the release of the "Memoir - Spare" one takes pause to think and contemplate what value there is to telling all the tales that happen within a family behind closed walls. Who really gains? Obviously the one who has chosen to publish such a story when it is about a world famous family. The money is the graft and accepting it is like taking blood money really. Jealousy is a dreadful thing. Comments leaked about an upcoming interview with an American broadcaster are telling - the person in question apparently says he does not see himself returning to his former tasking - supporting the royal house (in the end he didn't do it well anyway). Why would he when fame and fortune are there for his taking by writing stories and making docu-series about his life in the Royal Family?  Personally I do not intend to support such a jealous act of revenge against the people who raised him; lived with him and supported him for most of his life - I will not buy the book nor will I watch any of his docuseries in the future. Living in the "Fishbowl," that is the life of the Royal Family of any country, is not an easy task and choosing the easy way out by telling tales (is he embellishing them?) is pretty nasty to your own flesh and blood. 

But is that the only show of jealousy in the world? One begins to wonder if the war in Ukraine is all about jealousy. Ukraine, by historical knowledge, is the home of many peoples of the world - we all had to winter somewhere during the Last Glacial Maximum before spreading out again across the globe. Those of us who do think of Ukraina as our ancient home, if our mtDNA wintered there, number in the millions and millions. All of the attention that is coming to Ukraine, rightly of course they were invaded by Russia, is inciting a lot of jealousy in Russia perhaps. Obviously they are not seeing the destruction to the cities, the rape and murder of the children, wives and mothers and fathers, husbands. They have heat and light all winter whilst many Ukrainians are huddled together in the cold of winter but that doesn't get shown on their television either. Wake up Russia; jealousy is a sin. Get out of Ukraine; it isn't yours to plunder. The Patriarch of Russia is calling for a cease-fire for Orthodox Christmas; it sounds very nice but in reality he is simply trying to enforce his supposed control over the Ukraine Orthodox Church which is rapidly slipping away from him or already has. Proposing a permanent cease-fire and telling the Nazi Putin and his enablers to get out of Ukraine would be much more meaningful and something the world would respect.

The day begins once again and we have freezing rain. One hopes that this isn't a repeat of the Ice Storm of 1998. Not predicted to be but the memory of that one stays with us. 

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