Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Eye appointment today

My yearly eye appointment is due today but it is two years since I have been as last year just did not happen. I meant to go but just never made an appointment. Today I shall go back to bifocals once again but retain my current distance glasses for cleaning as I find it easier to negotiate the stairs with the regular glasses that do not have a bifocal portion. This is the waiting time as my cataracts grow and eventually need surgery. I have not actually ever had any medical surgery perhaps hard to believe although if one counted the removal of my wisdom teeth than I have had dental surgery since they required stitches to remove them.  I have been lucky one would think or not; time will tell. 

Today is basement cleaning day and shall go to that very soon after breakfast. Then the cleaning part of the week is accomplished and I can get back to working on my various projects which now include my tree at geni.com. It is a relatively small tree from my point of view but has 400 merges. Most of the material on there was not put on by me but it is interesting to see all of those Knight-Butt-Arnold matches for which in many cases there are atDNA matches. I note as well there are some Pincombe-Gray-Routledge matches which I missed on my first walk through. These are both my female grandparents lines going back from the great grandmother. I have a picture of Maria Jane (Knight) Blake and a picture of Grace (Gray) Pincombe. The line of Maria Jane is in the Turnworth, Dorset area and the line of Grace is in the Beverly, East Riding of Yorkshire area although Grace was my first Canadian born ancestor and Maria Jane was born at Turnworth. My little Canadian line begins with Grace and then her son John Routledge Pincombe and his daughter my mother Helen Louise Pincombe. When people say they are first generation Canadian I stand with them as my father was born in England although I am fourth generation Canadian on my mother's side. My children are 8th-10th generation Canadian on their father's side and 2nd generation Canadian on my side since we have a habit of referring to one's citizenship from the point of view of the father's side. If we look at grandparents then my children are 8th-9th generation Canadian on Edward's mother's side and 5th generation Canadian on my maternal side. Quite fascinating all of that but one wonders how many generations are we as people of Earth - now that is a fascinating number. 

I know the individual that will be the center of the Kipp Family Newsletter and can block that out today just to get myself started. Sadly I can not work on the H11 which would be quite fascinating given the new people this year and placing them into their sub sub clades. It is surprising how many can now be localized by present country. Some of the country lines are quite ancient stretching far back into the past with my own mitochondrial ancestor wintering at Ukraina during the last Ice Age. How much DNA do we carry from such a distant ancestor? Sometimes I am surprised by lengths of DNA that continue down and back in family lines. This length just stays together generation after generation and one wonders how far back one could go with that length. I shall have a look at that one of these days when I get back to phasing. I do have some atDNA matches that defy the odds and go back to eighth cousins. But I do have collapsing pedigrees in two lines (Knight and Routledge) and a number of close cousin marriages in the past (3x great grandparents and even seventh and ninth great grandparents). These make for interesting study and as time permits I let myself dally a bit looking at them. 

Some snow last night so perhaps a short cross country skiing session may be in the works. 

On to breakfast.

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