Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Time to be ready - military spending is inadequate for the world we live in

 If I made any resolution in New Years it would be that I need to talk more about the need for greater military spending in Canada. Our military must be supplied with new and modern materials to support Canada both here and abroad where we are supporting our NATO allies. It is fundamentally our life support system in a world where Nazis like Putin and his enablers attack a neighbour for their land and riches - anything else they say is a lie. This is all about thievery on a huge scale. Any story will do; we have Hitler and his blazen attempts to take over the world as an example of Nazi terrorism. We must be ready always to defend our right to be free. We share a huge water border with Russia. The American military is ready but we need to carry our load as well just as we did during World War II and the Korean War and the long time of the Iron Curtain. I was born after World War II ended (just two weeks later) but my life has been full of the threat of nuclear war; the iron curtain and the complete disregard for human life shown by aggressor nations throughout my entire life. 

We must be ready; it is time to put money into training our youth to be ready - they do not want to live in servitude under an aggressor nation. A GAP year should be a year in the military between High School and any future training. Everyone needs to know how to defend our country. 

Perhaps it was an email from a company this morning regretting that Edward was no longer using their service and hoping that he would come back. It reminded me that all of us wish he was here but death creeps in and we are watching that in Ukraine as the Russians continue to try to take their lands. Why don't they just go home. Ukraine is not theirs to plunder; go home Nazi Russians. 

On to the day; yesterday my age was showing and I did not complete all the cleaning. I need to scrub bathrooms and floors today and then it is complete. But Edward's phone will be transferred to the land line which is good news for my daughter who has just this little interest in the people who call wondering about something Edward has published about the various families he researched throughout his entire adulthood. Myself, I was ready to just cancel the cell phone and move on but I did make the effort to have it happen in my 77 year old fashion. I am definitely getting older. 

God be with the world on this another beautiful day which promises snow once again. Tea is cooling and drinkable and on to the day. 

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