Saturday, January 21, 2023

Todays Bible Reading from 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

 The Bible Reading today was especially poignant. 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 and the guidance therein. The Concordance says of this section Paul is feeling somewhat dismayed by the issues that have arisen in Corinth and he trusts that by discussing the authentic Christian perspective that the appropriate conclusions will be drawn. In this century many of us have become more accepting of people's rights and that too is in the commandments that Jesus gave to us. We must not lose the beauty of the words that Christ brought to us. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. The second is like onto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; There is none other commandment greater than these. Ukraine is part of all of that; Russia attacked Ukraine for many false and anti-Christ reasons and those reasons should resonate around the world - the evil which Russia has created goes against everything that Christ said with these commandments which he gave to us. We must help Ukraine to stand against this evil that the Nazi Putin and his enablers have thrust upon all of us. The continuing threat of nuclear annihilation which is behind the sickening smiles of Nazi Putin and his sycophants is a tragedy for all of us and we must supply Ukraine with what they need to drive the Russians back into their own country. There the people of Russia must manage their country and rid themselves of these psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. They are ruinous to our world - all of us suffer from their inability to be good citizens of the world.

Great progress on the Siderfin book as I reached back to the early part and did the searching to prove the line that my Siderfin cousin suggested was correct and so it was. It was a good find on his part especially as the chart in the book did not really make sense as the children of Robert Siderfin and Grace Kent were born at the same time as their parents. I think though that James Sanders (whose mother was deceased for thirty years at the time of his writing this particular book) simply was confused and the chart does present itself with possibilities of interpretation although clearly he was attaching his line to the wrong John Siderfin. Carrying forward and I am once again at the Third Generation and will continue with that today. I have a clear three weeks to work before I must start the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter for the 1st of March. These two families merge in my mind because John Pincombe (my 2x great grandfather) married Elizabeth Rew at Bishops Nympton and Elizabeth's mother was Elizabeth Siderfin married to John Rew. My DNA matches with this family are most interesting because they are double the size with Elizabeth Rew having a twin sister Charlotte who married Daniel Love and the descendants of this line are matching me as if they were third cousins instead of the fourth cousins which they are and many of them have tested. 

Watched the sunrise and it was a winter sunrise with a faint glow in the sky telling me there is more snow to come; another seven or eight centimetres on the bird feeder yesterday. The birds though search down through the snow and find the seeds and chirp happily as they meet together on the bird feeder. They are hardy those birds that stay here in the winter. 

On to breakfast. 

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