Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday - 2023

As we enter the most sacred time in the Church Year which culminates in Holy Week and Easter Sunday, may God bless the world and give us the strength to deal with those who care only about themselves and threaten us with nuclear war. That they would even dare to destroy your planet and all of your creations is beyond the pale. We are a God-loving and God-fearing people who respect this land and do not foolishly threaten those who share this planet with us. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord and I do wait on God's vengeance for what is being done to the peoples of Ukraine by Russia and Belarus. Belarus well knows that Ukraine is not going to attack them. Presumably Lukashenko is also a Psychopathic Nazi calling up 100,000 to 150,000 to prepare to fight. Next thing he will be threatening us with nuclear weapons as well.

How childish; how infantile that really is. Watching the faces of the smiling syncophants as  they cheered on the Nazi Psychopathic Leader Putin is a sad sight before God. When all that aid was landed in Russia by the Western allies to help them fight the Nazis during the Second World War Stalin had the grace to thank them for helping to fight against Nazis tyranny. No one should be attacked by their neighbour so ruthlessly as Ukraine has been by the Nazi Psychopaths of Russia (we all (the so-called West) stand with Ukraine and will continue to give them the arms they need to kick the Nazi Psychopathic Russians out of their country). Russia basically remains untouched even though there is enough power in Europe alone to send Russia back into the Stone Age but we wait for the goodness that must be there in the Russian people to stop this monster and his smiling syncophants that we could see yesterday during the Nazi Psycopathic Putin's speech. Can they actually look at themselves in a mirror and see how disgusting those few Russians are that control millions of Russians. Their faces are forever recorded in digital format so that we will always know who they are. Their sons are sitting down to dinner with their families; most Russians' sons are being told to fight and die in a war against their cousins, their neighbours and their best friends. After all Ukraine stood between the Nazi armies of the Second World War and Russia fighting valiantly to help protect Russia. Your lust and greed for land is disgusting you Nazi Psychopaths. 

Cleaning all completed and on to the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. I have worked through what I believe to be the next edition of that early family Chart; labeled Chart 1. It is unlikely that I can complete Chart 2 for North Molton as I want to purchase a CD that has to come by mail and that will take time. But for the moment I am pleased with my progress with the original Pencombe who arrived at North Molton in the beginning of the reign of Henry VII with Lord de la Zouch. I am missing Bideford in the 1524-7 Subsidy but should have it once I have ordered the CD and it has arrived. 

I also worked on the Ancestry autosomal DNA matches that my siblings, my cousin and myself have with individuals who, according to their online trees, descend from Richard Pinkham an early emigrant to the Royal Colony of New Hampshire circa 1642. The Excel file has 35 entries with 5 of the members having multiple entries for the different siblings/cousins. There are 26 distinct individuals in total in the chart. I have removed five individuals from consideration as descendants of Richard Pinkham because I can trace them back to an emigrant who came later to the American Colonies and the United States of America as it became at a later time. There are five private trees reducing the number of significant matches to 16 individuals. Another five individuals list their ancestor at Charleston, Massachusetts Bay Colony or other than New Hampshire and they have also been excluded for the moment. That leaves a total of 11 individuals who appear to be descendant of Richard Pinkham of New Hampshire. These matches range from 8 centimorgans to 12 centimorgans. Normally I would only look at matches of 20 centimorgans or more but Ancestry uses a piece of software called "Timber" to extract DNA from matches that are common to particular areas rather than specific family inherited DNA. The four siblings have a varied amount of shared Pincombe DNA and I in particular only share on one particular chromosome with my known cousin making matches rather interesting within our family grouping. Unfortunately none of the eleven matches fits into a category where my cousin and I are matching the same person as that would tell us which chromosome and the actual location of the match shared with the individual. Only two of the matches in this group of eleven are shared by more than one sibling/cousin. I will present this material in the Newsletter although the IDs of the individuals will be anonymized. 

Why would I choose to use such small amounts as a demonstration of possible cousin-ship especially when we are looking at individuals who would be 10th cousins? The main reason is a small case study that I did earlier with such matches in the Sedgwick-Blake family of Massachusetts and my own Blake line in the Andover, Hampshire, England area. Joanne Blake baptized 16 Oct 1612 at St Marys Andover married Major General Roberte Sedgwicke 6 Jan 1634 and her brother William Blake married Ann Hellier 5 Sep 1644 at St Marys Andover. William is my 8x great grandfather and there are a number of small shared matched between my siblings, myself and descendants of the Sedgwicke family. Totally unexpected but there is a likely reason. The parents of Joanne and William were Richard Blake and Jone (Blake) Blake. The grandfather of Richard and great grandfather of Jone was Nicholas Blake married to Margaret (Blake) Blake. The close marriages resulted in a concentration of Blake DNA albeit a good distance back but allowed for these small matches to occur. The other item of interest is the effect that the software "Timber" mentioned earlier has on matches. Since I have a number of matches with known cousins who have also tested elsewhere or transferred their Ancestry results to another database I know that "Timber" can do a sizeable reduction in the size of the shared DNA. Hence a match of 12 centimorgans can come much closer to 20 centimorgans - my preferred minimum.

On to breakfast. Beautiful sunrise but we are promised another snowstorm.

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