Thursday, February 23, 2023

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter completed

I have completed the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter surprisingly this week. I did not think it would be possible but what I had planned to do - Chart 2 can not happen. I do not have all the material that I need to move to Chart 2 which would be North Molton. Chart 1 was the first three generations and is in this next issue of the Newsletter. I will add to that chart when I receive some new material but it is, I think, for the most part complete. Once I have everything entered I will date it. Plus the Newsletter is already long enough.

Yesterday I found an Ash Wednesday service on YouTube which I attended. I do not actually see myself going to a Service in person for a while yet. It is an omission on my part that I do confess to at prayer time but going is not practical for me. I need to drive on the highway and do not do that very often. Once I have my cataracts removed perhaps I will have such lovely new vision I will do that again. 

Back to the Siderfin book and a week early actually. I am working my way through the census putting families together and numbering them from one census to the next to make that step easier when I come to it. I need to do the same with the BMBs that I have from the 1700s for the Siderfin family. I may have done it I didn't check yet. But I was just in the process of extracting material when I gave the study up to my cousin. 

I am starting to think about the other books I would now like to write. They will all be online; nothing printed. I have one more book to revise and that is George Dekay's book on our mutual Gray families but he also included the Carling, Routledge, Beverley, Hildred, Pincombe and a couple of others in the book as well. I do have some nice historical information on the families that I descend from namely Routledge, Gray and Pincombe. Probably I should investigate and see if the Carling, Beverley, Hildred, etc have individuals who would like to revise the book as well. 

I will do a Pincombe Book and a Blake Book just to bring together all the information that I have collected. 

Another heavy snowfall predicted for today 15 to 20 centimetres and it is minus 9 degrees celsius. A good inside day working away on the Siderfin Book. I would like to see it done by the end of the year and we will see how that goes. Probably I will then move to the Pincombe book and it is an obvious next choice in that I would continue working in the same area of the country Somerset being next to Devon and some of my research tools overlap for this area. My Blake book will probably be about my own line at Andover, Hampshire. I do not see myself writing up any of the other Blake lines. I do not have enough personal experience and there are many Blake researchers better schooled than I to produce such a book on different areas. 

The day begins and I am early publishing my blog but I wrote part of it yesterday after I completed the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

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