Friday, February 10, 2023

Census collecting continues

Still working on the 1841 Census as I need to have a more careful look at alternative spellings and can use the three databases to look at that - each company has its own way of transcribing data - Ancestry, Find My Past and My Heritage. Also worked on the 1851 Census using the same family numbers created in 1841. Possibly I could start at the newest but I find with one name studies sometimes starting at the beginning of a new process is helpful to collect everyone. Plus I am really only interested in the Siderfin surname. I have extracted a lot of Parish Records so can make my link backwards into those records and work on that as well as the Census if I start with 1841. Then there is FreeBMD which I used to transcribe for way back at the beginning of my endeavours looking at the DNA of my parent's lines. My how my life has changed from that person who did a lot of knitting and sewing and of course working. Now retired for over ten years my perspective is quite different in terms of how I look at my lifestyle compared to before when I used to just do my crafts at home and help my husband with his genealogical endeavours when he asked. We did a lot of traveling in those days to various conferences, repositories and the trips that he and George Anderson did for the United Empire Loyalists down into New York State.

Ice storm so will have to de-ice the laneway with some salt replacement that is better for the environment that I will try. A long laneway (from the perspective of a 77 year old!) and it is garbage day so want to get that out as well - it is what I call the small garbage week so just paper and organic recycling. 

Other than that the day progresses. Sad to see over 21,000 deaths now in the Turkey/Syria earthquake. Russia, as usual shows their absolute ignorance by stepping up their continued illegal war in Ukraine. One would think they could show a little respect for this enormous loss of life in Turkey and Syria and let them work without them bombing just north of there. The earth is bemoaning our continuing misuse of the environment; we need to live a better life that doesn't involve wars for sure. Russia lives in some dark age where they think that imperialism is possible. We, most of us, do not live in that world. We live in a world that respects boundaries. But any change in Russia must come from within; the people of Russia have to decide that they are tired of a life that involves the Nazi psychopathic Putin and his enablers ruining their every day lives with their wars trying to steal land from sovereign countries. 

On to breakfast and then the Census once I get the rest of the business of living done - like getting the garbage out to the street. 

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