Saturday, February 25, 2023

Continuing with Siderfin and the Census

Another good day on Siderfin with the 1891 and 1901 reviewed and on to the 1911 which I started. I still need to find the "missing ones" who are perhaps misspelled.  I should be able to find them more readily once I do the BMBs which will follow the 1911 census. I will glance at the 1921 census but not collect it at this time. 

I also thought more about the Pincombe book which is hovering in the back of my mind. The Newsletters will be an aid in creating such a book. Again it will be an online book and I will offer it to the various databases and companies as well as posting it. But I have been thinking maybe I should put it on Amazon and then give the money to charity. I need to find out more about that idea. If it is complicated then just posting it will work best for me. At 77 I do not want to puzzle through anything that I do not have to. Takes up too much time. 

Saturday again and this is garbage day and my partial bin of paper/cardboard is waiting to go to the street. I generally collect up all the food waste in waxed paper cartons and freeze it so that I just put that out every few weeks. Then there is the garbage which has diminished greatly this past year. Mostly just plastic bags although fewer and fewer of those as I am using mostly fresh produce. Hydroponics is a great way to grow vegetables in Canada in the winter time. Great work farmers. It is minus 24 degrees celsius as I write.

Another deluge of snow expected next week and the month of March can be our heaviest month and we have already exceeded normal snowfall here. Good for the ground when the melting times comes and mud season begins. Nothing like a good mud season if you are into being a child and making mud pies. I just wait it out until it dries up and then out to garden. My least favourite thing to do actually. The house plants are still thriving and one of the three orchids is going to bloom much to my surprise. Edward did love those house plants and I have tried to keep them going. They need to be re-potted though; nice new earth so will attempt that in the spring on a nice warm day on the patio. We will get a yellow bag of dirt this year to put into the garden beds. They need freshening up and once again we will plant onions, tomatoes (small), parsley, several kinds of lettuce, peppers and perhaps a couple of other items. My enthusiasm is not high for gardening but the produce is nice. It really does eat into my writing time for sure. We are doing restorative gardening though and that doesn't involve digging so not quite the exhausting process it was over the last 13 years that I have worked in the garden. It was Edward's thing that he really enjoyed and except for helping him when he asked I stayed away from it after I went back to work outside of the house. I did do a lot of yard work when I stayed home including cutting the lawn with a hand mower and helping plant and pick. But not being a hero type I did not do all that work when I went to work outside the house (and if the proofreading/copyediting was busy I didn't do it then either!). 

Yellow gold sky in the east and I am up early. Active brain as I call it. My mind wanted to get going on the day and so I arose a little early. It is fun to see the sunrise and soon I will not see it as the days are lengthening. Dinner in full light now and breakfast as well normally. 

Prayers continuing for the peoples of Turkey and Syria affected by the earthquake. It does take time I expect to recover. We get the occasional good tremor here but in the 5 or less range. The fault line is about 1 kilometre from me. Mother Earth does seem restless this year with all the earthquakes - is it the war that brings them on so strongly? One wonders about that. All of that constant shelling must be felt deep into the ground. Prayers continuing for the miners in China. I see President Zelenskyy is listening to the Chinese proposal of a cease-fire plan and coming to the table. In the long run it will be Ukraine that dictates how all of that goes. Russia lives in a dream world where they imagine (probably to scare their people into absolute obedience) all sorts of things. Had Russia not enslaved millions of people behind an Iron Curtain after World War II, NATO probably would not have happened. The United Nations was working well. The need for an airlift to Berlin in 1948 so that the people in the three sectors (British, French and American) would have food was really the torch that created NATO I think. Finland and Sweden would not be asking to join NATO either; Russia caused them to do that when Ukraine was attacked. Life would be so much pleasanter if Russia would simply take care of her people; make a better life for them instead of using them as cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine a free country, and obviously, the Russians should just get out of Ukraine. Just the Nazi Psychopathic elite of Russia, we know who many of you are now as you were all digitally stored at the Nazi Psychopathic Putin's speech, does well with lots of money and homes whilst the rest of Russia (you all appear to be Nazis (are you?) as you have invaded Ukraine to steal their land and kill their people) still lives the barest of existences with little spare money it would appear. 

On to the 1911 census and the day unfolds ahead of me. The sky is crimson now and so I remember the "Sailors take warming" that comes from a morning crimson sun but I am a long way from the oceans (we have three, the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic) but the Great Lakes are not that far away although generally full of ice this time of year and very dangerous, then there are the massive rivers also somewhat frozen but not quite and rather dangerous as well. Spring breakup is coming soon enough. Good morning dear Sun soon to poke its beautiful head above the tree line. God's world is with us again today; a beautiful gift we should not squander. We are a God-fearing and God-loving people in this Western Hemisphere.

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