Friday, February 24, 2023

Back to Siderfin

I discovered that the website permits downloads of some very interesting items including the 1524-7 Devon Lay Subsidy. With that now in hand I was able to check out Bideford and no Pencombe or derivative name on that Subsidy. Good news as it does support my notion that Pencombe was up until the mid 1520s only at North Molton (and South Molton). Having arrived there likely in 1489 with Lord de la Zouch, the Pencombe individual was likely the John Pencombe found on the Subsidy at North Molton and right below him on the Subsidy is Thomas Pencombe. John has a value of Goods listed at 5 and Thomas has Wages listed at 1; it does look like a father/son relationship. I feel quite content with my assumption and leave it to those who follow me in the Pincombe/Pinkham quest to discover anything more that might clarify what I have developed as a thesis for this family in Devon. I would like to explore this Pencombe family in Hertfordshire but will leave that for the book that I would like to write on my mother's father's family. All in all a very successful happening and it is thanks to  Bernard Welchman who provides the service and years ago; way back in about 2008 or so I purchased a number of CDs from him that have been my mainstay looking into Devon and Somerset. 

With Siderfin, I completed the 1871 and 1881 census arranging the individuals into their families. I also went back to 1851 and arranged the families in numerical order commencing with Family 1 and continued that process right up to the end of 1881. It makes it easier to look back and connect the families. I tend towards alphabetical or numerical order whichever serves the purpose. It is rigorous and easy to manipulate. I will complete up to the 1911 census and then go back to the Births, Marriages and Burials that I have collected and see what state they are in as that collection too was completed in 2008-2010. If not into families than I will do that plus put them into the family groupings as defined in the census of 1841 which was my key going forward through the census and will also serve going backwards into the Parish Registers. Eventually I will likely replace the single number with a village/town and a number but that comes in the future. At the moment simply getting them into a good robust family number leads me onward to a better understanding of the Siderfin Family and will help me as I move forward from the early to mid 1600s. There can be gaps in the Parish Registers during the Commonwealth Period and I will rely on the Lay Subsidies to help me. I now have two quests for the Lay Subsidies for Somerset - both the Blake family and the Siderfin family. Perhaps I will be able to schedule myself into the Family History Library to locate that material. 

Prayers continuing for the recovery of those who survived the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Prayers also for the miners trapped in China. As we reach the one year mark in the war which Russia is waging against the Ukrainian people, prayers for the Ukranian people and that the cease-fire which China has proposed could happen and that Russia get out of Ukraine where they have no business to be as has been passed by a huge majority in the United Nations General Meeting. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the Invaders.

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