Wednesday, March 22, 2023

And now we wait

Working away on the Fifth and Sixth Generations of Siderfin yesterday and concluding that some of the dates used by James Sanders in his chart do not mesh with the full wills of individual Siderfins that have survived because they were probated at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Christian Siderfin's will written in 1644 and probated in 1648 is a treasure and refutes a few of the dates that James Sanders has especially concerning some of the grandchildren of William (Robert 3, William 2, John 1).  Then the missing information for Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) but Thomas (the third son) (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) is datewise more accurate but a few too many children that I can not locate in the records. But this was the early 1900s and unless he was going to spend time in London with the records it would have been difficult to do some of this research. I will also correct the inserted copy from my Legacy chart to reflect the changes in Generations Four and Five. Generation Six is in my mind but not yet fully corrected in my Legacy Chart. Basically the work in on the Fifth Generation, getting the text that James Sanders association with the members of this group inserted into a proper place with regard to the different lines as I shall retain these headings until I can no longer find a descendant with the surname Siderfin.

I continue today looking at the available records online and eventually I will get to the fiche but that is much harder work on the eyes so will see what others have found first. I do find that most people have copied James Sanders for the Siderfin family; I did initially but finding the actual records started making changes but gave the project to my cousin and pretty much left it alone for about a decade. Back again though and I would like to see the book revised perhaps by the end of this year and then I will move on to Pincombe I rather think and publish a book on them which will likely take a couple of years as well. 

So waiting has become a way of life it would appear for the people of Ukraine (and the West as we appear to now be called). Ukraine is waiting for Russia to leave and to return their stolen children. One wonders if this is some sort of a new World Order being tried out in the killing fields of Ukraine which Russia has created. A World Order where you invade the neighbouring countries (Russia has invaded Georgia and now Ukraine) destroy and murder and in the case of Ukraine anyway steal their children and let Russia keep doing it (sick minds do exist in our world). We are waiting to see what will happen and we continue to arm Ukraine which is only right they were attacked; it is the way that we do business in the democracies. We help our fellow man, do not steal their children, do not murder and rape their women and do not do the same to their men nor do we destroy their property. One hopes that President Chi will now talk to Ukraine and give them hope in this world too after all they are the country that was invaded, had their children stolen, their women raped and murdered and the same to their men. According to the Nazi Psychopathic Putin Russia hasn't suffered at all from sanctions. Russia continues to send their young men to die on a battlefield that they created; how much will the people of Russia accept one wonders or are they capable of thinking for themselves. The world waits for peace and Russia to leave Ukraine at least the so-called West wants that; one wonders why the other countries do not find imperialism as practised by Russia to be wrong. We created the United Nations to give us world peace and prayers that it would be so.

I see North Korea continues to threaten the world's oceans and ecosystems with their bomb testing. Earthquakes on the other side now in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the reverberations go back and forth. One can easily pick out the countries who are destroying our world these days. 

Breakfast awaits but first a little work on the Siderfin book.

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