Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Siderfin, Blake and Pincombe

Interesting to once again be thinking about my two of my three original one name studies and Blake was added in 2011. I still have Lambden, the third original one-name study, but I have never really done very much work on it. In my naive days I took on three studies all at once but now seventeen years later I know how much work is involved in just one one-name study! I have Lambden listed as available if anyone wants to pick it up because it too is an interesting surname held by my  3x great grandmother Elizabeth Lambden married to Isaac Farmer. They had six children - two sons and four daughters with five surviving to adulthood and beyond. The second son John Farmer died as a thirteen year old. Four of the five married and all had large families. My 2x great grandmother was Ann Farmer and she was the youngest. She married John Blake 4 Sep 1823 at St Mary Andover; she was born 19 Apr 1804 at Little London (something that my father remembered and my grandfather). I found that quaint - Little London - when I was a child and retained it so when I found her I knew she was the right one. Ann lived right next door to my great grandparents so my grandfather knew her all his life (his grandmother). John and Ann had ten children and my great grandfather Edward Blake was the youngest son and second youngest child. When his children were young he insisted that they attend school until they completed the usual level so that they could then train for a trade and they all did that. One time, my cousin Ivan told me the story about my grandfather and his older brother John. They decided to go fishing one day instead of going to school. When Edward heard that they were not in school he searched them out and dragged them to school by their ears apparently and told them to never do that again. It was a precious memory and he showed me so much of Upper Clatford when we visited in 2008. 

Today is the second cleaning day; yesterday saw the upper and main floor completed so today the basement and it is the easier of the two cleaning days. I shall complete it all this morning and have the afternoon for other items that need doing this day. Perhaps a little time on Siderfin as the Blake Newsletter is accomplished. It will be published on the first of April. I am starting to continue the writeup on the Fifth Generation and will then return to looking at the 2424 hits for Siderfin on Find My Past. I have gleaned a number of interesting items from the records including a conviction that there is a traceable path in the records linking from Robert (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) down to Robert (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). James Sanders did not add that little tick to the chart that he made leaving Robert (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) unattached but what he does provide gave me the background known to him to make that leap back in time. I thank him for that and whomever picks up this research in the future may have even more interesting proofs to add to this line.

So I shall put in time today writing up this Fourth and Fifth Generations and then go back to checking the hits on Find My Past. Once that is complete I will look at the land records on the Discovery search engine at the Archives. I am actually feeling like this is moving along. I heard from one of Thomas' descendants (a younger brother to my 3x great grandmother Elizabeth (Betty) (Siderfin) Rew) and discovering their line certainly answered the question of what happened to Thomas as he disappeared from Selworthy/Minehead records. 

There is a hush around the world today. Can a solution be found to stop the butchery in Ukraine? The people of Ukraine deserve a better life and in reality the death of all these young Russians is also a calamity. The Nazi Psychopathic Putin has a lot of blood on his hands along with the forced movement of Ukrainian children into Russia. Ukraine cries out for her children and can not be comforted. What country in the world would not be upset to have their children ripped from their hands. Children are precious and have a right to know their parents and be with them. The world waits; the peace plan must stop the butchery and find a solution that is fair to Ukraine - they were invaded for no reason other than Russian greed for land. As the largest land mass in the world one would think they had more than enough land. Stating and restating why NATO exists is a proven fact - it was and is a protective not aggressive association because Russia created the Iron Curtain around the millions of enslaved Eastern Europeans after the Second World War - those people all had and have a right to their freedom (and when they fled from their home countries (and they did) we helped them). The downfall of the Soviet Union was the fault of Russian greed as they invaded Afghanistan and that drove the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. If they had been wise and able managers and helped the peoples of Eastern Europe it would have been a different story but life in those countries had not progressed at all and they were literally slaves in their own countries at the mercy of the Russian overlords. 

I wait for a better day for this world where bombing is such a disaster - the poor people of Ecuador have had that dreadful earthquake. I am convinced it was North Korea firing a rocket into the ocean. Imagine the fish life that was destroyed by their senseless act and the effects of such a blast on the ocean ecosystem. So long as North Korea does not start invading other countries we actually do not have anything to do with them. They were always threatening our west coast. One tires of such childishness. 

On to breakfast and the best meal of the day!

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