Friday, March 3, 2023

Another day on Siderfin

Continuing hunting out the missing Siderfin entries in the census. I could just do a global look for Siderfin on FMP but that is over 2000 entries. Doing it piecemeal is perhaps slower in the long run but lets me sift through a whole lot of data all at once. Time will tell which would have been the best method. I still have two people on the 1841 census that I can not quite place into their family lines. Will continue with them today but gradually the lines are falling into place. 

I also continued looking at the 1524-7 subsidy for Pencombe just to ensure that I have not missed anything. I did find a John Tyncam at Stoke Damarel in Roborough Hundred which is a distance of 60 kilometres from Gidleigh which is substantial but Gidleigh to Stoke Damarel is all in the Plymouth area but I did make note of this entry. I am about half way through the entire Lay Subsidy for Devon. It is an interesting time preceding the introduction of Parish Registers (1538) and does capture many people in an area as wage earners were included. I do have the Tax Subsidy of 1544-45 and 1581 in comparison to go along with this new set of data so does give an interesting look at the 1500s which takes us from Henry VII to Henry VIII to Edward VI to Mary to Elizabeth I. It is a difficult time in genealogical research because the parish registers are just beginning so that most of the information concerns the landed peoples in England rather than the bulk of the population. But these Subsidies do capture, on occasion, a large portion of the people. The spelling is erratic and there are still a few who have resisted surnames so that you have forename and of whatever like Hill etc. The documents you most need to look at like Manor Books are all in Latin and my skills are growing very slowly in that. 

I also need to do some DNA work as I started my usual yearly task of incorporating all new matches into my phasing of grand parents and also started working on phasing great grandparents but that task has not had much input by me in the last couple of months. So my busy research time in the new couple of months will quite consume my mind but already I am contemplating setting up my indoor greenhouse to get plants started for the spring planting. Life is just very busy. I also need to get back to blogging Edward's research and the material that he bought on ebay. Perhaps I need to hire someone to help me with all this work I have taken on although not likely as I would lose all that time to getting that up to speed. 

On to my day and it will be a research one again.

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