Saturday, March 11, 2023

Good progress on Siderfin yesterday

Already on page 11 of the 2,424 Find My past set of Siderfin results and I will be able to move through some pages quickly as they are census and I have already looked at most of them. The process is slowly unfolding of getting the generations organized from generation 5 to the beginning of the 1900s.  Generation 4 is the difficult one although a few tidbits have come from my working through the 2424 entries on Find My Past. Free BMD has less than 400 entries but I will also look at those at some point although most of the entries are in my Legacy Chart and they do not pertain to the fourth generation. 

At some point I need to start thinking about the next Blake Newsletter although I may have an external article for it as well. I have a couple of interesting articles that I could write from recent research sets of data. Sometimes it is easy to pull out several names at the same time when exploring through a dataset - depends on the set. 

My twelve items to do I think I will print out and put on my Bulletin Board to keep myself on track. I also have a few other items to do but they are smaller projects. I will try to avoid getting sidetracked as the time in the summer is limited by gardening. 

All in all a successful week of research thus far and hopefully great success in these weeks before the work in the garden eats into the research time. 

Another cloudy day as the golden yellow of the sunrise stretches across the sky this morning. Minus 5 degrees celsius although little snow in the forecast. Perhaps maple sap will start to run though if it warms up enough in the day; on to maple syrup and the goodness of nature begins for another year. The fiddleheads will soon make themselves visible but still too much snow on the flower beds so crocus and snowdrops will be late this March although it is amazing how one warm day can quickly warm up the earth and let the beauty of spring show forth. God's world is precious and each day a blessing. 

A little housekeeping on the computer before the day begins and then off to breakfast. 

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