Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The second cleaning day

Yesterday was a good accomplishment day as the cleaning of the two floors has been done and just the basement remains. I also did my every three weeks food shopping which also worked out well. Having the car in the garage has worked out really well this winter. Plus the snow on the garage roof has increased greatly this past couple of weeks and I would rather not have that come down on the roof of the car. The melting time is coming though as each new snowfall brings us closer and closer to spring. There is a little melting and I have keep the area clear around the eaves trough so that is working well. Looking out this morning over the yard everything is covered with fluffy white snow. It is quite beautiful; I do love winter. The tracks here and there show that the animals are not that deterred by the heavy snow but they do make their tracks at night and not so many with the bright full moon but soon the darker nights will be with us as the moon wanes and the animal life will increase as they can sense spring coming. The birds still have not yet returned from the sunny days in the south which is a bit later this year. The winter birds have moved further north so it is mostly quiet although I did hear crows the other morning. 

No research work done but a lot of thinking as I cleaned. I decided it is worthwhile to spend a little time pulling out the Siderfin families from the 1939 Register so will continue with that project whilst continuing to marry together the census and the BMBs. I am checking on my collection using a couple of good websites along with FMP, Ancestry and My Heritage. I do have a lot of fiche for Somerset area where the Siderfin family lived (and the Rew, Moggridge, Kent, Phelps, Davies, Loften, Question, Beague, Millett, Webber, Horman and Foster families that married into the Siderfin fmilies) but will use them for checking and eventually will have a longer look at them but not quite yet. Today I should get some research done; time will tell. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Glory to Ukraine.

Breakfast awaits.

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