Monday, March 20, 2023

The Spring Equinox and Into the Night

The Bible Reading today quite captured me in this time of tension in the world. God said to "let Love be your guide" (Ephesians 5:1-14).

Today is the Spring Equinox (about 5:30 pm today actually) and the world around me is slowly melting its huge piles of snow as the sun becomes more and more direct upon this part of the world. You can feel the heat through the windows and it is a welcome to the birds as they slowly return to their summer lodgings. 

I have been watching a show on Netflix while I am doing my fourty minute run every day and it is called "Into the Night." It is a story of a sun gone rogue sending gamma rays towards Earth and the light of the sun destroys human life as sunrise begins in the day on this particular day and a group of people are on an airplane still in the dark and are warned of the danger so they take off into the night and continue flying around the world trying to find a place of refuge from the sun. Absolutely fascinating story; some of these story lines that are developed in the sort of fantasy-science fiction world are amazing. I must say my reading for most of my life did not include fantasy or science fiction - I am not really a fan of that type of writing. I prefer reality but the film industry has managed to capture my attention with all of these interesting movies/series/documentaries. We must not mistreat the earth; it has been our home for thousands of years and we must protect it. We do not know all the measures of the universe and how it works and so we must live with nature not always be butting up against it. The First Nations peoples lived by that creed through the centuries in the Western Hemisphere (all of it). We do well to listen and learn since the Eastern Hemisphere has allowed itself to be at war so much in the past centuries. War is devastating to the earth; we must prevent wars. That isn't to say we shouldn't be prepared to defend ourselves; that should be paramount in our minds at all times. Funding the military properly is so very important. Helping countries defend themselves against an Evil Empire extremely important. But also we do not know what is out there in the heavens; we know there is goodness God is there but what lurks in the dark; that we do not know. I am finding Netflix and Prime to be wonderful additions to my television watching - I used to just watch the news and weather but this past couple of years have greatly expanded my watching variety. 

I must say that one did not regard Hitler as a Nazi Psycopath when he first arrived on the scene but attacking sovereign nations and murdering the inhabitants - children in great number, women and men is seen as criminal as is the deportation of children/unlawful transfer of children. If you play the part then you get the name whomever you are and in particular the leader of such a nation deserves to be seen that way - he represents his country and in the case of Hitler was the main cause along with his adherents of that dreadful World War II. They all deserved the fate that was dealt out to them at Nuremberg or that they chose to do to themselves (Hitler chose suicide).  The Russians are lucky; so far only two people have had arrest warrants issued against them by the International Criminal Court Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova for what they have done to the children of Ukraine (the two of them deserve it). Too bad that the death penalty has been mostly eradicated from the democracies. 

I also do find it rather interesting that North Korea dumps a missile into the Ocean and there is an earthquake in Ecuador. Please do stop bombing or testing bombs. The earth has really had enough of bombing.

Today is cleaning day - every Monday and Tuesday - so not a lot of work on Siderfin today. Yesterday I almost completed the Blake Newsletter and there has been a guest article submitted which is most interesting. I have given it the lead position (first article) as I will all interesting articles submitted. My own article is a bit shorter and looks at a puzzle I have been working on for a bit with two Latin wills - the first Robert Blake of Enham in 1521 and then the will of his son Richard early in 1522. Enham does quite fascinate me mostly because I have heard about Old Hall at Knights Enham since childhood and so I continue searching out all the information available to me. 

Happy Spring Equinox to everyone; the slide into summer has begun but first there is Spring better known as Mud Season in my part of the world (and likely in many other parts of the world). I am ever mindful of just how small our world is now. When I was a child, one thing my grandfather loved to do was to lie in the grass and look up at the clouds. As they danced along above us he would tell me about Upper Clatford and that these clouds would move across the sky looking down first on us and then the ocean and then Upper Clatford where he lived as a child until he went to work at Eastleigh near Southampton. There was a sadness in my grandfather; he missed his home country but there was also a happiness as he loved his grandchildren (there were so many of us) and I think it made up a little for all the deaths that he heard about far away in England of his loved ones. 

A little bit of work then breakfast and cleaning. Another beautiful day in God's world and I have great hopes for this day. Prayers for Ukraine.

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