Sunday, April 30, 2023

It is interesting

Yesterday was a busy day and great fun. I did not accomplish a lot but did get in 17,000 plus steps and a 40 minute run. Lots of fresh air (in spite of the rain which I actually enjoy) and lots of good conversation. I even ate out in a restaurant which I haven't done for quite a while. 

I am reminiscing on this Sunday morning (and excited that Church is once again on You-Tube - I do enjoy that) and thinking that it is interesting that throughout my entire life I have never desired to be younger than I am. So long as I stayed quiet and at home or working at work my health has been good for me and I have been content. I did volunteer at school throughout my children's early years but paid the price of unfortunately picking up childhood illnesses just like a beginner at day care. I have little or no resistance to the common cold or other such childhood maladies. Masks would have been great in retrospect but I persisted and helped with computer training or whatever the teacher assigned me to assist with in their class. My own children ignored me at school if they could because I was always this exacting person correcting work and generally encouraging from that lofty parental position good reading habits and hard work.  For myself, I have been content with my age and never once desired to be younger than I actually was and that continues. As the years pass by I am amazed to still be here in some ways although I do take care of myself. At 30 I was dreadfully ill but recovery came my way and so long as I followed the advice of the psychiatrist who managed my recovery from my mental/nervous/physical breakdown I was fine. Veering from that was not good for me (but like all lessons in life one must learn from mistakes or bad advice) and I gradually pulled back from anything that was a problem for me. So this morning I am thinking that I am now 77.5+ years and God has been good to me through the years. He doesn't actually get involved in one's life I do not believe; He told us how to live our lives when he sent Jesus to be with us all those thousands of years ago now. That is what we need to do for sure in order to attain that peaceful existence that He wanted for us. Love God with all our heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and love our neighbour as ourselves. It sounds simple and it could be; all Homo sapiens though must be on board for us to make it to that peaceful plain where all can co-exist. 

Today I will continue with the Siderfin book and hopefully well into Generation Five by the end of the day. Tomorrow I clean and will also begin, in the time in between, the Pinkham/Pincombe material that has been passed to be by another researcher. My aim is to follow the same path basically as I have with the Siderfin book. Come down from the past into the present instead of the way that I have generally done surname searching. In some ways, the Pencombe family should be easier as there is more known about them on a regular basis through time. They were also a larger family as they spread out from North Molton in Devon from the late 1480s on. 

I am awaiting the results of the Y-700 test on Edward's yDNA to see if it will actually run and then I will, with my daughter's help, work on that as well this summer. 

Other than that another day is gifted to us and we must make the best of all of our days (and one's service to God being the first but Jesus did remind us that service to our country was also very important - Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and unto God what belongs to God). This will be an exciting week in the British Isles - the King will be annointed in the ancient Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey. I shall watch next Saturday and enjoy. I watched the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth with my Grandfather all those years ago now. He was enthralled; could not take his eyes off of the television screen. He had seen five monarchs in his lifetime and this sixth one would be his last but he enjoyed every second of that time watching on the television. He was a child when Queen Victoria ruled and then followed by her son King Edward VII, his son King George V, his son King Edward VIII, his brother King George VI and then the daughter of King George VI -  Queen Elizabeth II. That will be in my mind when I am watching this Coronation - my Grandfather sitting there beside me for sure. He was 78 years of age (just six months older than I am now) when Queen Elizabeth was crowned. Surrounded by his then five grandchildren (he would live to see the sixth one born) and he was so very happy. The memory still fresh in my mind. He was getting old for sure but he never forgot who I was even once to the last time that I was with him. I am glad that our Prime Minister will go to the Coronation - he carries the love of Canada with him. 

As the future rolls out in front of us, I like to think that all of those who have profited from being Canadian should do their best to ensure that Canada continues to be able to do the best that it can for all her peoples. 

On to breakfast; my favourite meal of the day. When I was young, on a Sunday, going to early Communion with my father, I would wait until after the service to eat my breakfast but I am old now and one should maintain one's health in as much as one is able so as to not burden the medical service. Get lots of good exercise, eat a good simple meal and thank God for all His blessings. 

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