Thursday, May 18, 2023

And another beautiful May Day

 Minus 1 degrees celsius at 7:00 a.m. but a pleasant day promised although a mite cool but in the normal range for mid-May. Frost warnings generally continue into the end of May so will plant the bedding plants first of June likely. 

Strains of hymns filled my mind when I awoke today and the bright sun was most welcomed although thankfully there is rain in the forecast. Off to Canadian Tire today for the gardening essentials we did not pick up yesterday as life just moved in that direction. PIcked up groceries and make a beautiful dinner of salmon, noodles, a cream sauce filled with fresh vegetables - asparagus, green onion, peppers, garlic, ginger and local cherry tomatoes thanks to greenhouses and hydroponics although the asparagus is fresh from southwestern Ontario. More asparagus for another day. The meals will be stupendous because my daughter is home and she loves to cook and is good at it. Both my daughters are good cooks although in my past I was also a good cook but now I do mostly subsistence cooking for myself because I really do like basic foods but also enjoy their beautiful meals. 

Worked away on the Pencombe, Pinkham, Pincombe images yesterday and now have 764 entries in the Excel file. I have just three pages left so may well finish today. Time will tell. Then I can start examining the 1500s and see what I know about; what is new to me and how do they fit in to the current known family (the Visitation of Devon in 1620 is very handy for this family). I must check the Herefordshire Visitation to see if Pencombe is listed there; just thought of that. Brain is working full time again. Yesterday it seemed a little dull which one is warned about with the documentation given to you in the hospital. Good idea to read that! Feeling good today but not quite ready to run a mile - maybe tomorrow. Yesterday though I did 13 thousand steps and walking is highly recommended also written in the brochure. That is a really handy brochure for sure.One is not going to remember much of what is said to you as you come out of the mild anaesthesia and look around at the busy Recovery Room. The nurses and doctor were all great - much appreciated. It was a busy day with lots of people going in and out - I think I was the oldest there as everyone looked younger than me. Sitting for such a long time was unusual for me and I did get up and walk before the procedure began. I do like to walk even if just a little circle. 

Perhaps today after we get the gardening bags we will sprinkle a little garden soil here and there and scatter some grass seed - this is great grass growing weather and I am a little later than I planned but all in its time; June can be a cool rainy month. My daughter decided we wouldn't pull anything particularly unless it is large wild flowers we just do not want but rather cut the lawn now that the dandelions have bloomed and the bees have had their nectar. Time to get ready for the next crop of living plants for them to pollinate. Instead we will spread all of that garden soil on the cut weeds in the garden for more plant material to rot under the earth and replenish the earth - regenerative gardening. It certainly sounds interesting - no digging. Although one couldn't dig our garden anymore anyway the Black Walnut roots are huge there now and the plants just grow up amongst the roots. Okay for onions and lettuces but not so good for tomatoes, carrots and peppers that need more of a root system. The raspberry canes are filling out nicely. The leafing of the trees continues and my sky view is becoming more treed than ever. I love the trees though and the bright sun is harder for my cataract laden eyes to manage so works out very well. My vision is actually sharpening somewhat as I can read again with just my normal glasses although it is limited. The strong glasses seem quite strong but necessary to actually see at the computer. 

On to the day and especially breakfast. I really did miss breakfast those two days of preparation for my procedure. It was a most enjoyed meal when I got home from the hospital for sure. Nothing like cooked oatmeal in milk with fresh and dried fruit. Great way to start the stay - the cocoa gives it a really great taste as I didn't put that in the first day but I am now! Coffee not being something that I drink at all; the cocoa is my caffeine as is my cup of green tea first thing in the morning -  a great way to start the day.

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