Monday, May 8, 2023

And a note on the door

 Yesterday a car was parked in front of my house so I typed up a note which said:

I am writing. I do not know who owns the car in front of my house Thank you.

I will keep the note and put it on my door whenever I am writing and there is a car parked out there.  If  I remember and I notice there is a car there. Being 77 such items do tend to get missed for sure.

The note is just in case the people across the road wanted to interrupt my day once again (I was watching the Coronation) to have a car moved so that they could maneuver a truck in and out of their laneway. Yesterday was a day of some accomplishment as I now have a method in place that I shall use to extract the data that I hope to find in the databases. Today I will begin with the Discovery catalogue at the National Archives to see what is there in the latter part of the 1400s into the 1500s for the Pencombe family and its derivatives of Pincombe and Pinkham etc. 

Cleaning day as well and that will take up quite a bit of my time but in between when I am resting I will work on the various databases. 

Church yesterday was lovely; some of my favourite hymns. I liked the sermon as it had just a bit of the theme that we can not limit God. At least I took that from the sermon. God is all powerful and limitless. But He watches now as He has given us the words that we must truly live by in order to have peace - Love God with all your mind, heart and soul and love your neighbour as yourself. 

If only the world could live that way. Prayers for Ukraine as always. Not hearing too much about Sudan and perhaps a ceasefire will hold there. This fighting which Russia started by invading Ukraine last year continues to hold our world back. The psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers have done great damage to Ukraine and to the world in this past year (and to their own people; the blood of the many dead Russian soldiers cries out for a Russian hero to rid Russia of the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers that dominate Russian government). 

On to the day; cleaning the top floor and main floor. Always praying that the war in Ukraine will be over and the Ukrainians will be free once again. These invasions by Russia will be a stain on Russia for many years - attacking a free sovereign country goes against all the principles of the United Nations. Breakfast awaits.

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