Sunday, May 7, 2023

Big day for posts but I think with my fingers and then I like to review it

Probably autism, I can live with that. I have been somewhat of an enigma all of my life so why at 77 would I change now.

Just working on the Find My Past entries. I went broad first searching from 1470 to 1490 to see what Pincombe (with variations) would give me. It gave me a lot of hits none of which fitted the time frame particularly but I went through them anyway. My training from science - get rid of what doesn't work but you have to look at it to decide that. I repeated it with 1490 to 1510 and the same lots of hits but nothing interesting. Now Pinkham is a variation of Pincombe but the system doesn't include that so I then went back and did Pinkham and found two interesting items from the 1600s (the set of records goes back to this earlier time frame and finding them is actually significant) which will come up later anyway so did not pursue them. 

The project at hand is to decide on the search terms and continue with my excellent idea of working forward starting with 1470. It is early for records but there are actually some in the database that early so do not like to miss them.  

So what surnames will I include? I think I will continue with my usual:

Pencomb which also gives me Pencombe

Pincomb which also gives me Pincombe (these two spellings were used in my line)

Pyncomb which also gives me Pyncombe (these two spelling were used in the South Molton line which eventually daughtered out at least Gertrude Pyncombe left her will with that thought in mind)

Pinkham which also gives me Pinkhame and this name started to be seen in the Barnstaple area in the early 1700s and perhaps earlier - not sure. The two new records located did reveal this surname.

Only doing these misses some interesting ones like Penckombe (a new one on the images I got from another researcher), Pyencomb, Pinckcomb, Pinkcomb, Pincom, and all of these with an e on the end of course. Then there is Pinckham also with an e on the end. I have several more. I sort of have to decide on a set and then go with it or I will get bogged down. Once I have the set then I can go quite quickly because I am a very fast typist recording what I want is a fast moment in time. 

Will contemplate the best set to go with. I sort of think a not too wide standard set would see me go through the 1500s quickly which is my aim as I want to see if I can solve any of the mysteries in the 1500s. By the end of the 1500s the Parish Records are handy and the number of spellings were often reduced having transcribed a lot of these  records in the 1500s. So select a set and then work on that for a couple of days and see where I am at. 

Was actually thinking about my mitochondrial DNA the other day and it disappearing in this family line with my daughter's generation. A couple of months ago 23 and Me sent me a message to say that I had another test result to look at (my daughter wanted to gift me with something so I chose 23 and Me +). It is interesting. I was found to have a variant that was common with people who have eclampsia in pregnancy. Since I did have very very difficult labour and delivery for both of my children I did always wonder about that so was cautious during my pregnancy to limit my salt intake anyway and keep my weight gain at a controlled level (I do have maternal deaths in my mother's line that I know about in the 1800s). But knowing that it is better to have my mitochondrial line filtered out in the evolutionary process so that eclampsia in my line disappears. Mind you I never encouraged my daughters to have children to be honest although I will say that grandchildren are really quite amazing even though my youngest does have autism his mind is clear and quick and with good training (which he has had) he is coming along very well. Autism does have its bonuses in absolute dedication to a project and being able to keep up with a project for a very long time. But it is an expensive project to help children with autism but they do go on to become scientists often enough or other fields that require a determined dedication to projects at hand.


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