Sunday, May 7, 2023

it would be nice

 It would be nice if CBC is going to throw around numbers like 60 million being the cost of having a King of Canada if they break that down so we can see it. To replace the institution would cost in the billions by the time they do all their political thing of appointing / electing a Head of State and changing the constitution to do that; the cost of upkeep for such an individual would be enormous I am sure because it is a new path and they would go around all of the world doing their thing. The cost of such a system will likely be much higher.  Then we have politics in it all of which is unacceptable; it is nice to have a Head of State that is non-political and you only get that with something like a Royal Family with a system of governance that is more than 1000 years old. Replacing it would be so expensive and so political. So break the 60 million per year down so we can see it. I suspect it includes the cost of having a Governor General and we would have to pay anyone who became Head of State and it is always more expensive than an established system. Do not just throw numbers around and make work for yourself by stirring up mischief - Polling needs to have statistics before I will believe them. Simple percentage of who wants what is not good enough - need demographics. The ballot box is the place to make such decisions - one vote for each eligible Canadian. I would doubt that it would ever come to a vote unless the UK becomes a Republic and perhaps we would keep them on here just because life is so much simpler not to have a political Head of State. Just a nice friendly grandfather type devoted to organic farming and preservation of the environment - greening our planet. I do not actually think that King Charles has ever done anything particularly wrong in his life (and I doubt that anyone in Canada would have seen that as wrong!) except fall in love with a person that wasn't permitted to be his wife when he was young. Then a marriage with someone who didn't follow the customs of her class but decided with a woman's fury to destroy Charles' life. She made herself a big news item personally to do just that and the paparazzi were on her path for sure. I do feel sadness for Diana's short life (we likely share 11x great grandparents) but thankful for her gift of her son William to the Royal Family. I am sure he will be a wonderful King in his time and already another King in waiting with two spares. Pretty sad to be thought of as spares perhaps but I suspect their parents/grandparents will help them to see that their life can be very meaningful as they do not consider them spares (and who else really matters in terms of one's acceptance)! But then I have said before that I am likely autistic. Charles loves both of his sons and he is missing out on one set of his grandchildren which is rather cruel.

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