Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday and a fabulously beautiful day

What a beautiful day it is. The gardens all planted, the bedding plants all in and a fabulous week of weather ahead of us. Church on You-Tube this morning and the wonder of the internet continues to be a blessing. Kayaking and walking today for sure.  

God's world is awake once again from the long winter sleep that it enjoys in Canada. Some rain in the forecast one of these days but for anyone choosing this as summer vacation they picked a good week for sure. The trees are nearly full leaf now and the birds have settled into their summer lodgings. We have cardinals, red winged blackbirds, blue jays, and so many more all flocking into the yard and some have taken up habitation in the trees around us. Hawks are circling; they have seen the baby bunnies likely. The garden is fenced but we did grow some for the furry creatures as well which will distract them from digging under the fence hopefully. My neighbour has taken the rest of the garden soil and we are definitely done for the year in terms of repairing the flower beds. Next year more effort just have to keep the weeds down so that the cultivated plants can survive. The lawns are actually looking quite good; fresh and green. The dandelion time is now past as the days are much longer. But it was a beautiful sea of yellow for a bit. The bees will soon have lots more for their collection. The bleeding hearts are blooming abundantly. 

The Bible Reading today talks about the Holy Spirit and we are now at Pentecost one of the great feasts of the Christian Church. At the time of our Confirmation in the Anglican Church, the laying on of hands by the Bishop is our time to receive the Holy Spirit and in an Anglican Church the tradition stretches back far into the past before the Great Wars, before the coming of the Normans, before the coming of the Vikings and way back into the time of the Romans. It was Rome that aided in the Church becoming Universal but already in that ancient Isle that all of my ancestors called home (except for the Huguenots who arrived in the late 1400s) probably for thousands of years for most of them the ancient Celtic Church already existed and with the teachings brought to Britain by Christians opened up its heart and soul and the Celtic Church became the Anglican Church. That was what I learned as a child. The beauty of that never ending Church has always been in my mind stretching back into the eons of time and space when man first walked the fields of the British Isles. Jesus came to the Britons and they welcomed Him in their hearts. Probably just the Spirit of Jesus but for all of us that is how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts. 

On to the day and the mysteries that lie in it yet to be discovered. Ever thankful to Mother Nature for giving us the Seasons of the Year, the fruitful fields and the abundant harvest both on land and in the sea. Thank you God and Mother Nature for your love of mankind. If only all the world could learn to love its neighbour and war would be no more. 

On to breakfast. 

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