Monday, May 29, 2023

Another stunning day in store

Absolutely beautiful at 6:00 a.m. Birds chirping happily and the trees coming closer and closer to full leaf. A beautiful spring day much appreciated by all the wildlife certainly at this early hour. I can hear the traffic on the highway though so another busy day ahead I suspect. 

Last evening first day of kayaking although I walked. So far I haven't found a kayak that suits me - money wise in particular. I know what I want and it is pretty simple; sometimes I think simple is hard to come by these days. 

Yesterday a busy one picking up another piece of fencing, then banker boxes (I have an idea on how to sort through the remaining 30 boxes of Edward's research), and sand for the brickwork and porch. This is the kind of sand that you water and it takes on a bit of a cement texture. The person who did our porch was not very good at it I would say, it is sinking and moving just a small amount but maybe I am a perfectionist. After Edward contracted that himself he used Reno 4 Seniors which is excellent to do any jobs around the house that we needed. After a job is complete and not quite as you understood it to be you really only have the choice of a lawsuit (never sued anyone actually in my entire 77 years, generally when they are stupid or ignorant it eventually gets them) or just moving on if it isn't worth the trouble after all everyone around you saw the work done, how it was done and can form their opinions (this is generally the better way unless it costs you enough money to make it necessary). If anyone asks who did our porch I certainly tell them but add that I wouldn't have them do it again. Perhaps it is because my father ran his own business (refrigeration and air conditioning) but I think you do the best job that you can do not the easiest and cut corner type of job since you are dealing with old people and figure it doesn't matter. But I wasn't actually involved as Edward had retired by then and he was involved in getting it done. I just agreed with his criticism later!  

 So repairs for the house, additions completed purchases and the garden is in. Maybe I can return to my usual work schedule now and get things done in that area once again. Newsletter pretty much completed and moving on. Next newsletter is the Blake Newsletter and I have an idea of where I am going with that one. I had hoped to get into the Family Search Library to look at the Subsidies for Somerset but that did not happen so I will take a different direction although still likely taxes. Taxes are nice if you happen to have ancestors who owned/rented land as they are in these records from ancient days. It lets you place them and if you have the Parish Registers then you have their family members. Fortunately my lines stayed pretty much in the same areas through the centuries making it much easier for me plus family history got passed down also very helpful. For most of my lines I am back into the early 1700s and for a number back into the 1400s. Amazing that I am so immersed in all of this work. George DeKay, my cousin, would be amazed actually - he was that I continued with the work on the Pincombe family even after I created (along with the help of family still in the area) the Pincombe Profile for his History of Westminster and Delaware. He did a great job on the books. 

Off to water; no rain for a bit and the ground is very dry. Not my favourite thing all this gardening but it is probably good for my health and the food produced likewise. Still not sleeping well but it will return soon I am sure; definitely need efficiency in our government - we pay far too much in taxes not to have an efficient government. I do not object to the taxes that I pay and it climbs higher every year but I want something for that money and it is efficiency and sufficient armaments for our military.

I haven't lost interest in the plight of Ukraine either - I just think we, the west as the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers refer to us as, are dealing with people who are absolutely ignorant and have become like animals and do not know how to behave like human beings. I pray often for Ukraine (and Sudan which is also in upheaval) but until we follow the commandments which Jesus gave us - Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself  we are stuck with murderous cutthroat Nazi type people who attack other countries - in this case the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. They predict our demise; time will tell certainly on that score. Glory to Ukraine and may their children get to see peace soon instead of being murdered by the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. And it looks like Belarus gets included since they let the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers invade Ukraine from Belarus and now threaten us with tactical nuclear weapons.  For the use of nuclear weapons is a threat to the entire world. We will defend ourselves against such callous animalistic behaviour and Europe will likely choose the method that best suits the crime. What short memories these people have; ton after ton of material was shipped to Russia when they were invaded by the Nazis back in 1940 to help them resist; Nazis will always meet resistance now because we know what animals they are; they are not human - they lack human characteristics and they abuse God by what they say claiming to do His work. We all know the commandments which Jesus brought us.

First watering, then breakfast.

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