Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Coronation

And yes I was up at 4:00 a.m. to watch all the events of the Coronation. It was wonderful just as the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth was when I was seven years old. I actually thought King Charles had managed to make it quite modern compared to the much slower pace experienced watching the Coronation in 1953. I think we moved slower then just watching it this time. The world has speeded up. 

It was wonderful to see that there were 2 million people estimated to be in the crowds considering the heavy downpour that is truly amazing. Having gone to the Changing of the Guard twice on different trips to the UK, I was glad not to be there. It is all so methodical and carefully managed letting people into the Mall but so many people in one place. Canada is a country of large spaces and I tend to avoid events that involve so many people. The Service was wonderful and it was nice to see so many faiths represented. Well done King Charles; you always said you would do that and you did. You are a very committed person and will make a great King. Prince George did very well I thought; he is so very young to now really be into the Fishbowl of Royal Life but perhaps it is a one-off and he will still have his privacy for quite a while. It was fun seeing the golden coach in colour for sure as it was a grainy black and white way back in 1953. Colour really does make a huge difference as I have lived through black and white and colour.

The Coronation itself was like magic. I am glad that they kept the anointing behind the screens - it is the most sacred part and really should be between the God and the King with the help of the Church which Jesus founded since the Church of England is so very ancient in the British Isles. When Christianity came to the Isles in the 2nd century, the various Celtic groups quickly transformed into what is now the Church of England thus making the actual Church a very ancient one although the Christian aspect was a new look. I do hope that we retain the King as our Head of State (or Queen if ever we have another Queen). He has such good ideas that he has been committed to all of his life. His bond with the First Peoples of Canada is so very important and will help us in the Reconciliation between all the peoples of Canada. He will be a perfect Head of State - no mixing with politics which I have come to dislike mostly because of the party that I supported most of my life (the Conservative) - they really need to find a way to practice politics in the style of Brian Mulroney. He knew how to keep Canada strong and independent in the North American Continent. The Liberals have always been like that I will admit but I am not really a Liberal in my outlook - I just vote for them now and actually I do find that they are doing well many times. I often comment when I think that they are - buying the pipeline was a great idea and it makes me never want to vote Conservative again as they would probably sell it for less than it is worth as usual.

Sleepy for sure, I am usually up at 6 so 4 is a bit early even for me.

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