Friday, May 5, 2023

Working on the charts

The first group on page 1 of the images went fairly quickly yesterday and I am back working on this image again today. Aaron Pincombe (baptism verified on Find My Past) is an interesting one (son of Richard Pincombe and Maria Peardon). A descendant of this family matched one of my Pincombe cousins on Ancestry which does tell me that the family at Roborough by Torrington is possibly descendant of the North Molton family. Given the smallness of the population there is a potential for being related on another line and only one match when I have six sets of data does tend to make me want to find more. Tracing his line back from Richard (baptized 16 Dec 1744 at Roborough by Torrington verified) to his possible father John (baptized 13 Jun 1709 at Roborough by Torrington) and married to Mary Ridley 29 Apr 1737 at Landkey (this is the only marriage for a John Pincombe in Devon in this time slot of 1737 on find my past and the banns read John Pincombe of Swymbridge and Mary Ridley of Barnstaple). It is interesting to find two people from different places marrying at Landkey. Just to get a placement to these villages - Barnstaple to Swimbridge is 4 miles so fairly close. Swimbridge related to North Molton 6.5 miles apart. Looking at the map below one can see that Barnstaple to Swimbridge is just 7 kilometres which is a good walk for sure. Landkey lies between so perhaps the two families wanted the marriage in their own village and compromised on Landkey - no idea on that. So is this the correct parents for Richard baptized at Roborough by Torrington - John baptized at Roborough 1709 and Mary married 1737 at Landkey? I actually have transcribed the parish registers for Landkey. The interesting part of all of this is the match with my cousin of apparently this Aaron Pincombe's descendants in America. There is a John Pincombe baptized at Landkey son of Hugh Pincombe and Sarah. This Hugh is a brother to my 7x great grandfather William Pincombe. This becomes very interesting actually as Hugh married a Sarah unknown possibly at Swimbridge and I am still trying to find that record. But they lived at Landkey.  There were three Pincombe marriages at Landkey 1728, 1737 and 1746. The first two were John and the latter Richard. Because Hugh's son John was of Swimbridge and the 1737 marriage is groom of Swimbridge and bride of Barnstaple I have always assumed that Hugh's John married Elizabeth Leye. Their children Elizabeth and John were baptized at Landkey but John died as an infant. Because the distances are small it is difficult to really prove this line readily. I do have Land Tax assessment at Landkey in 1798 and there were not any PIncombe families in Landkey in 1798. Which is a plus as Hugh's line on the male side has daughtered out. So Aaron is not of this line. The Pincombe's farmed property all over north east Devon and they moved short distances here and there but does that prove the marriage of John Pincombe to Mary Ridley as the parents of a Richard Pincombe with a son Aaron? Will have to comtemplate that.

The line above continues back from John Pincombe and Mary Ridley back to a John Pincombe and Margaret Holmes possibly. I shall pursue this particular one to see if I can prove the link back from John married to Mary Ridley to John married to Margaret Holmes. This information from Chart 6 of the work of the two original researchers for the Pincombe/Pinkham family. So can I add to that given the availability of material online. The chart deadends with this couple so doesn't help much in the long run but I will see if I can find the marriage of John Pincombe and Margaret Holmes. But first there are no records for baptisms in the 1709 plus or minus 20 in the Swimbridge Records on Find My Past. The John Pincombe baptized 13 Jun 1709 at Roborough by Torrington is the son of John Pincombe and Margaret. The only marriage in this time frame was between Johannes Pinkcombe and Maria Blatchford 14 May 1706 at Northlew. Doing a search from 1690 to 1720 only reveals this marriage. Going to Ancestry there are no marriages in this time frame for Pincombe in Devon for a John Pincombe. Since Ancestry will return quite a variety of possibilities one is left with nothing particularly in this quest. Northlew is near the Dartmoor area of Devon (to the south). Another reason to highlight this particular line as this is early to have migrated so far from North Devon.

Since I do have the singleton atDNA match with this line with a known fourth cousin, the possibility exists that this would take us back to a common ancestor. I have printed out the image and will mark this particular entry as unknown as it does not link back to the known Pincombe family at North Molton and I want to have some sort of a record that shows this is a potential line that should go back to North Molton. 

The next individual is a baptism at Roborough by Torrington and is on Chart 6 as well.  Abraham Pincombe son of John Pinckome baptized 7 Apr 1595 at Roborough by Torrington son of John according to Chart 6. This baptism is not on Find My Past. In Ancestry there are no original records to go with the entries. The father is said to be John. There are very few records for Roborough on Find My past in the 1500s. Who is this John Pincombe at Roborough by Torrington. in the latter part of the 1500s. I do have the tax subsidy for Devon and  no Pincombe entries for Roborough but one at Tawstock which is also in Fremington Hundred in 1543/44 although there are two blanks so can not be 100% on that. But the individual is Philip Pynkeham. On the 1581 Subsidy Edward Pencombe is at Tawstocke. Looking for a John according to this first image received. I will continue looking at this tomorrow. I do not know the parentage of Philip Pynkeham. 

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