Sunday, June 11, 2023

William - Line or the Thomas - Line and justifying it not being in the Robert - Line as proposed

 I had not really thought of William Siderfin as being prominent in all of this discussion but in reality he too has a role to play. He is said to have a brother John baptized in 1656 and James Sanders has suggested 1660 for the year of birth of this William. He lives at Minehead with his wife Mary Terrel (of Selworthy) and they were married 23 Feb 1692 at Selworthy. The marriage likely being at Selworthy because the bride may be from a more prominent family than the Siderfin family of Minehead or the bride just wanted it to be there. Both William 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and Robert 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) can be found at Minehead in the records although William 5 is also found at Loughborough. William 5 was baptized at Loughborough 3 Jul 1615 and buried there 17 Sep 1668. He is known to have a son Thomas from land records/wills. Robert 5 was baptized at Minehead 27 May 1616. First cousins and a similar age although James Sanders does report this William 5 died as an infant but his mother records him in her will as living and the father of Thomas in 1644. I decided to do a somewhat collateral look at Thomas 5 who was the father of Christian Siderfin married to John Worth 9 May 1682 at Luxborough. Does any information exist on this marriage including the family crests that might have been displayed? This couple did have seven children, two sons and five daughters. The Worth family was well known and certainly at the gentleman level. The will of the mother of Christian - Mary (Radford) Siderfin was dated 19 Nov 1689 and proved 10 Oct 1693.

Mary Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, widow. Will dated Nov 19, 1689, proved Oct 10, 1693 [Taunton Registry] My grandchild Susanna Worth, 100 pounds at age of 21. Her sister, a silver tankard and gold ring. My grandchild Christian Worth, 200 pounds at age of 21. My grandchildren, Mary Worth and Sarah Worth, 100 pounds each. Residue to my daughter Christian Worth.

Mary Radford married Thomas Siderfin 28 Jan 1652 at Oakford. In that his mother in her will mentions his children Thomas and Philip and a daughter Johane was also known to be in this family, he was married twice with his first wife dying prior to 1652. I do not find any mention of Thomas, Philip or Johane in later records but I have not done that thorough a search. This is perhaps the time to look at that mostly out of curiosity as Thomas and Philip were born prior to 1644 and could potentially be a father to the William said to be born circa 1660. Mary (Radford) Siderfin does not mention Thomas, Philip or Johane in her will. She is in 1689 a widow and Thomas was deceased by 4 Nov 1687 and the abstract of his will reads: Thomas Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, deceased. Admon Nov 4, 1687 to his relict Mary Siderfin and his daughter Christian, wife of John Worth. He does not mention the children that his mother listed in her will. This is only an abstract first of all and second they may have already received their inheritance and not mentioned in this will of a then 71 year old man - although young to us that was a good age in those days. Probably the best place to look for information is in the Worth family since they are well documented in the records. I think the most important thing to remember about inheritance in well to do families in this time fame right up to the present was the wealth is always concentrated in one descendant line and usually primogeniture rules. 

Devonshire Wills: A collection of annotated Testamentary Abstracts together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England

Charles Worthy, Esq., Formerly of H.M. 82nd Regiment and sometime Principal Assistant to the late Somerset Herald in Ordinary. Author of "Devonshire Parishes," Practical Heraldry," etc.

London, Bemrose and sons, Ltd 23, Old Bailey: and Derby, 1896.

Worth (Worthe, Wourth) 21, 28, 45, 48, 52, 54, 102-119, 296, 431-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41

Worth, Worthe 5, 44, 70, 261-97, 312-28-64, 69-91, 482

Page 52 (footnote): 

 From the " Domesday Survey " of 1087 , when Ralph of Worth held Worth under Wm . de Pollei, the elder line of Worth have been seated there in an unbroken succession down to the above Testator. Towards the end of the twelfth century , Sir Hugh Worthe of Worth, married Avis, daughter of his neighbour at Tiverton Castle, Richard de Redvers, third Earl of Devon. The eighth in descent from him
married Margerie , daughter and co-heir of Hugh Beauchamp, about 1385. By this marriage they acquired Beauchamp and other property in Washfield , together with the Manor, and the Advowson of
Washfield Church , which had belonged to the Abbots of Plympton, Alice Abbot having been grandmother of Margerie Beauchamp. The fourth in descent from Thomas Worth and Margerie Beauchamp was Anthony Worth of Worth , alive 1523. Amerced at Totnes Castle that year, Washfield Manor being held from the honour of Totnes . The above Testator, Mr. John Francis Worth of Worth, was ninth in direct descent from the said Anthony Worth . Mr. John F. Worth left two children, viz. , the Revd. Reginald Worth, heir-in tail of Washfield, who married, but died without issue 12th March, 1880.
His sister Henrica, mentioned in the Will, was the wife of the Revd . Wm . Lloyd Jones, Rector of Washfield , who assumed the name of Worth by Royal license , 1882 , and died January 8th , 1884. Worth House and Manor, with other property in Washfield , were advertised for sale in 1887 , when a portion was sold and realized £20,000. In the following year, 1888, another advertisement appeared in the local papers , and the residue of the estate, together with Worth House (a fine old mansion rebuilt about the reign of Queen Anne), was knocked down to a Mr. Thomas (who had made a fortune in South
Africa), November 13th , 1888 , for £35,000 . A portion of the old property was reserved by Mrs. Worth, who subsequently resided at "Beauchamp" and died there 1891.

As an aside I found Pincombe page 28 

(1680. The last Will of Henry Worth of Washfield, dated 19th Jany. , 1677. He desires to be buried " without superfluity of blackes " but decently, and six of the labourers on the estate to “ attend his hearse " and to have 6s. each and a " gowne. " “ Item - I give 10 towards the purchasinge some father estate as for buyings of Bibles or some other books of divinity to be yearly distributed amongst the poor people of Washfield for ever. " To my son, Thomas Worth , 4s. for a ring." " To my son, Alexander Worth, the lyvinge of Wood which I lately purchased in the parish of Uplowman , to him and his heirs for ever, and the sum of £ 300 to stock it." To daughter Dorothy, wife of Robert Collins of Autry
(Ottery St. Mary) Clearke, £ 100. " To my daughter, Elizabeth Oliver, a ring of 20s . value ." " To my daughter, Mary Worth, £700." " To the Servants at Worth at time of my death 40s. each. To my Son
John's wife " my best piece of plate." To brother Arthur Worth, Sons-in-law Robert Collins, Benjamin Oliver, Esq., Humphry Shobrooke Merchant , dau. - in - law Anne Worth, Nephew Wm . Pincombe, two brothers- in - law, Francis and Thomas Bampfylde a ring each of 20s. value. Residue to Son John Worth, who is Sole Exor. Witnesses, George Abraham , John Besly, and Emlin Clatworthy. Codicil , dated 12th Jany 1679-80: He leaves his brother Arthur Worth £ 10 , and to the children of his daughter- in-law Ann Worth £ 10 each. He leaves to his Son Alexander, the books, trunks, boxes, and other things. in the study over the porch of Worth House. Witnesses, Benjamin Oliver, Roger Dodge, Saml. Clemens. Seal of Family Arms. Arg., an Eagle dispd., wings elevated, with two necks Sa, Beaks and legs Gules , Helmet and Mantling. Crest "An Arm erect vested erms . gloved erm . holding an Eagle's leg couped or.") 

and page 257 

(will of Lewis Hacche of Satterley, minister of the Gospel 1673 to a John Pincombe of Warkleigh (a momento). 

It is always interesting to see these links between Worth, Pincombe and Siderfin. The marriage of John Pincombe and Elizabeth Rew (he of Bishops Nympton and she of Selworthy) always amazed me given the distance between their homes and it being the early 1830s. However did they meet and as one sees the names flowing by the possibility of linkage becomes less remote. 

The question at hand is how or does John Worth who married Christian Siderfin at Luxborough relate to the Henry Worth above who mentions a son John as his son and executor. This Henry Worth lives at Washfield (at Tiverton, Devon) and Wychanger (at Luccombe, Somerset) is the home of John Worth.  The Washfield manor is the oldest family manor and Wychanger is the second one of importance to the Worth family if one believes the online story. Henry Worth is not the father of John Worth married to Christian Siderfin. This John Worth married to Christian was born at Wychanger, Luccombe, Somerset in 1662 He married Christian Siderfin 9 May 1682 at Luxborough. His parentage is unknown to me and at this point I will move on. 

I will switch from this interesting look to William Siderfin born circa 1660 and living at Minehead having married his wife Mary Terrel at Selworthy 23 Feb 1692. They baptized two children Robartt 22 Feb 1693 at Minehead and Mary baptized 1 Sep 1698 at Minehead and buried 24 Sep 1698 also at Minehead (James Snders has said no issue but I did find the baptisms). Certainly naming his first son Robert does make one wonder if his father was a Robert Siderfin. It is unknown what happened to Robert Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). I have not found a marriage for him but he is on the Protestation Returns in 1641 and the Somerset Lay Subsidy in 1642; his father Robert 4 was buried in 1636 at Luxborough and Robert 4 was baptized at Minehead in 1616. Whom did he marry? can I locate that; He could have had a son William in the 1660s as Robert 5 would only have been 44 years of age. Tomorrow more work on this line. I could not find a place in the William Line for William and tomorrow I will check out the Thomas Line as it is the more likely since they actually used the Siderfin crest. 

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