Sunday, June 11, 2023

And the revision continues

 Yesterday I spent most of my computer time continuing to revise the four pages that I wrote to justify/explain my thoughts with regard to the Fifth Generation and was successful although that will continue today for a short while and then on to William said to be a brother of John and son of John on James Sanders Pedigree Chart. Robert is not actually attached to this line and James Sanders does not indicate in the book his views on this beyond saying that Thomasine in her will mentions a cousin Robert at East Lynch.

I have managed to complete the revision of the text (and corrections!) and it is breakfast time. The text is not really much shorter  but it does flow better and the addition of images does rather take up space as I also need to footnote everything and the footnotes themselves can be rather lengthy. Fortunately this is all electronic and I will never publish in paper form so very practical. That is the nicest part of the electronic age being able to readily add in copious material in footnotes to justify or support any arguments rather than just a one line reference to a document which contains the evidence - the opportunity to discuss at length is a very handy tool of the electronic age. 

Looking at William married to Mary Terrel and James Sanders does mention that there are no children for this couple. William did exist; there are documents mentioning him including his marriage to Mary Terrel. Not to underestimate the place in society for the Robert line (this is my line) I do not really think that William belongs in this line especially as he uses the Siderfin crest. But does he belong in the Thomas line or the William line? I am slanted towards the William line in my thinking simply because his forename is William but it was the Thomas line that used the crest primarily in this generation and the purpose of my next time of research (after breakfast) is to see if the William line ever did use the crest particularly at the marriage of Christian Siderfin to John Worth (the Worth family also was an armigerous family). It is fun sorting through all of this material - I am more mathematical in my thinking than anything else but I do have a love of history imparted to me by my grandfather. At the end of his life he suffered a crippling stroke which would eventually take his life but I can remember sitting with him and listening as he did not lose his voice and although sometimes I found it difficult to follow (I was soon to be eight years of age) I loved to be with him. Like my grandmother, he was my mentor as a young child.

On to the day and breakfast. Yesterday we had a great kayaking day and a long walk on the beach. It was nice to be out in the fresh air once again after the days inside because of the smoke from the forest fires. It is Sunday as well and Church on You-Tube once again. We will settle into Trinity soon and the quiet reflections of that time in the Church Calendar - summer awaits but the exciting part is Church on You-Tube for sure.

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