Saturday, July 8, 2023

Another busy work day in the yard

Yesterday I completed half of the last side of the laneway so will finish that today. That side was pretty overgrown so a lot more effort but the remainder is not too bad and will complete the project. Just the hardening sand to spread next and will do that soon. It is a good time of year to do that - the dry season as it gets a chance to really harden well and not be carried away by the rain. Gardening is a lot of work; I do not mind work but gardening has never really appealed to me. The flowers are beautiful and I enjoy them but I am more of a vegetable growing person in actuality. The hosta are easy to maintain and they are in the backyard and gradually the other flowers are disappearing because I do not recognize them in the spring until it is sometimes too late and they have been snuffed out by the weeds which I do not always recognize either. Sometimes the weeds just look nicer and with their flowers attract the bees which is what we need to do anyway apparently as the bees are suffering. 

My daughter is allergic to lilies (the lovely orange and yellow flowers that fill the yards this time of year) so I cut the back of the lawn and she will complete that project today having cut the front lawn yesterday. A good kayaking and walking session yesterday as well. I must admit at 77 nearly 78 it is harder for me to keep up but I sleep very well! My exercise routine goes out of the window somewhat but is perhaps best seen as being other exercise than usual and so all the muscles get worked which is the whole idea as well that one doesn't become concentrated on one set of exercises (cross-training). So a win-win overall for this old person. Last night we did a pizza night picking up two frozen pizzas after kayaking and walking plus a couple of salads. It was fun. I always used to say when the girls were little to always do one fun thing every day so that you feel a glow at the end of the day remembering that fun time instead of the myriad of other memories that every day can bring to you in your working life. For me it was often the walk home from the bus at the highway coming across the bridge and seeing all of the different scenes through the year. I always bought an express pass so that I could use any bus but generally I walked home from the highway which was just a huge bonus when working - all of that lovely walking to end the day. Then of course coming home to husband and children is always a fun time as well at the end of a working day. Plus I was last home so the meal was generally all prepared! After so many years of cooking meals that was a lovely treat as well. 

Today I am watering a bit just to give the tomatoes a nice drink as it has been hot. The sunflowers will appreciate it as well. No rain in the forecast for a bit but hopefully next week. The grass definitely cries out for moisture. We are thinking of putting in a bird bath as the birds dance around in the grass where I do water and so they might enjoy a nice refreshing water bath, we can dump it every evening and fill it in the morning. Must look into that project. 

No research this week to any degree. Lots of thinking and I need to move more material which is the bulk of what remains to be done with the fifth (mostly done I think now), sixth and seventh generations and then on to the eighth generation and lots more records available but I need to do a fine search now looking for various spellings to make sure none are missed. I expect each generation will take me a week or two to complete now and then with the entire book in hand I can go back through it and rearrange where needed; add in material that I am waiting for to verify or change whatever happens and then a final proofread and setting up the indexes with hypertext links and the project will be complete and I can let my relatives know that they can have a copy just by writing as it will be behind a firewall and also send it to any repository that might want to have it. 

Then cataract surgery and recovery and on to the Pencombe book. I am looking forward to the Pencombe book as I have new material that will give me a complete picture back into the 1300s in Herefordshire although the Pencombe family of Herefordshire remains just a theory but I will spend more time looking at the ancient records that I have accumulated with my new Latin knowledge and see what I can glean from all of that. Probably it will take most of a year to put that book together and then on to the Blake family of Andover and environs, Hampshire, England. In tune with that I may do the short book on the yDNA of our Blake line. Need to contemplate that actually just what I would do with the accumulated information. It might be better to go with the H11 or keep both in the background still of my mind and work on the Buller family. I do tend to be a bit of a dreamer and do like to mull around projects.  There is also the revision of George DeKay's book on the families that we are related to in the Middlesex County area of Ontario - he always meant to do more on the Routledge-Gray-Pincombe-Carling book as we discussed a number of times. I did suggest that we revise it together but time intervened with my husband's health and our discussions became less common. I could do that one in memory of George - he did a lot of work in genealogy in the London, Ontario area. 

Saturday will be a busy day and Sunday tomorrow with the bulletin in my email already and another Sunday in Ordinary time (Trinity (or Pentecost as it tends to get referred to these days)). God is in the Heavens and thankyou to President Erdogan of Turkey for saying that Ukraine should be in NATO and that the Grain Deal which he helped to broker to get Ukraine's cereal crops to the poor countries of the world should continue. Thank you God for another lovely summer. The trees are waving just a little to remind me that you are very much in this world watching and waiting for people to do the right thing - Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. Wars would all end and we could, we homo sapiens, dedicate ourselves to the preservation of the world and foreword into time cleaning up the earth and setting our sights on the universe and what may be out there. 

On to breakfast.

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