Friday, July 7, 2023

And one half of the laneway bricks are completed

Major task doing the laneway bricks yesterday in the heat although I started around 9:30 and worked until about 11:00 with a big break. I liked the result though and will get the other side done. No rain though at least I only heard thunder in the night and didn't check. 

We are in to the dry season in this area in the summer. Perhaps some rain later time will tell. I must check the raspberries as they are starting to ripen. The air quality is good and the temperature just 23 degrees celsius. 

No research yesterday; a lot of little things that I wanted to work on got done and I worked on my latin. I do need to make sure I do about 25 to 30 minutes of Latin a day now as I am actually starting to see the language. I didn't study Latin because I did Business Practice instead. The Counsellor did try to convince me to take latin but I wanted to learn to type and do bookkeeping which she did not actually think was congruent with going to university as Latin would be handier but actually, for me going into science, typing and working methodically with data which is what bookkeeping is all about probably stood me in just as good stead. Although I did have thoughts of medicine at the young age of twelve when I first went to grade nine I was too young to really make decisions probably but my parents were supportive of my doing typing and bookkeeping (but then they found me to be somewhat dull I think although my marks showed a good feel for math and science but I am a girl! and in the 50s one didn't necessarily encourage one's daughter to go into math and science).  I always understood that they did not see it as a career choice so they were pleased when I did take the typing and bookkeeping - one does try to please one's parents!

Walking and kayaking in the evening and a quick trip to the drug store - after spending so much time there picking up Edward's prescriptions I have rarely been in the store since except for vaccines and picking up hand creams and the like all at the same time - so not there very often. I actually managed to be there for the discount day although two of my items were on sale so a discount on just one but a surprise none the less. I do lose track of the days for sure. Thursday's email for garbage collection and then Friday's email with the Church Bulletin keep me balanced for the weekend and Sunday service which I am reading and singing these days as no You-Tube. I miss Church but I like being home and having the Service in the quiet of my home - so very unlikely to change. Then Monday comes and Monday to Thursday tend to just all flow together like one as they are pretty busy with cleaning and then research. 

There is a quietness in the trees and a busyness in the avian/animal world as they sense that summer is marching onward and they must think about winter storage and migration. The trees are just soaking up all that sun and rain when it comes in preparation for the long winter in Canada. The tiny rustling reminds me that God is there ever watchful but we are at arms length I think these days - the need to follow the New Commandments Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself is paramount. We are intelligent beings and should be able to figure this all out - Climate Change, the rise in populism and imperialist aggression - all dangers to our world. 

On to the day and out to work on the laneway.

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