Saturday, August 12, 2023

August is advancing

 As the nights lengthen and August nearly half way gone, one can sense fall in the air. The birds are preparing to leave us once again for the sunny south. With global warning one wonders if the time will come when the birds just stay and perhaps go further north. The world is topsy turvy and no ideas on the overall effect. It isn't the beautiful earth of my childhood although already creeping in was the ravages we would soon see big time in a generation. 

The trees are moving ever so gently. God's wish for us would be that we would learn the gentler path that Jesus brought to us. We just do not seem to learn that path; some perhaps but for the most part greed dominates and particularly with the Russians. The psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers believe that Russia can not be held to their current boundaries. That seems rather idiotic to me actually. Do they not respect the boundaries of any country? I suspect that they do not and no one is actually safe from their desires. Corralling them is really the only way for world peace until their people become modern Homo sapiens respecting the world and its peoples - all of them. It is strange that the Russian people do not rise up and throw out the Nazis Putin and his enablers so that they could have a modern life not some sort of a barbaric existence left behind in the last century.

Continuing today on the eleventh generation of the Siderfin family in hopes of completing it by the end of the weekend. Next week the twelfth generation and the document from the National Archives of the UK. Then in earnest I will go back and revise, if necessary, or just update to the different style that I adopted part way through (I have already done the first section). Then decisions on whether to put items into an appendix or leave them in the text. As well footnoting Generations 8 to 12 which will take me a month likely. But I will send out the Thomas line to his descendants to see if I have captured what they found. 

Work on the laneway as well during the day when I need a break. Breakfast already accomplished and weight lifting is next.

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