Sunday, August 13, 2023

On to the Twelfth generation of the Siderfin family

Yesterday I completed the eleventh generation and I am doing the twelfth generation in the Siderfin book which was a surprise. This week should see me complete that project and the paper from the National Archives of the UK is due on the 16th so works together very well. 

Heavy rain yesterday again and we are waking up to a lot of sunshine - a beautiful Sunday with just a little wind in the trees. The world looks so peaceful and I wish it was.  Can we not have peace in our world? Why do rogue nations seek to upset that peace. It is perhaps not a perfect peace but bombs weren't constantly being thrown at people. This age old feud that Russia is conducting against Ukraine goes back in time with the Russians murdering Ukrainians during the Hunger when many Ukrainians starved to death. What kind of hate is this? How do we stop it? Greed is the base and greed must be eliminated from our lives. The United Nations working as a single unit can do that. Rogue nations need to be punished - strip Russia of the veto power in the Security Council they have lost that right given to them for their valiant effort against the Nazis in the Second World War. They can re-earn it but for the moment they should not have that ability to continue to inflict hatred on the Ukrainian people; greed for what they have; their land; their property; their very being. 

Church today and the time of memory is coming to a close as we approach the fall and a return to You-Tube for the service. I am looking forward to that and the sermons to be given by the new member of the staff - he is a religious scholar and I will find his sermons to be most interesting I am sure. 

As the time on the Siderfin book draws closer to completion I do let myself contemplate the next book which will be the Pencombe family of North Molton, Devonshire, England. When I first saw the Pincombe one name study on the Guild of one name studies I was just a mite disappointed that it was already taken but then suddenly it was not and so I joined the Guild back in those early days of my forays into Surname studies having just then completed the Pincombe Profile for my cousin George DeKay to put into the Westminster and Delaware Townships History Book. I was surprised to discover that it was actually two names Pincombe and Pinkham because I grew up learning that Pincombe was always spelled that way (perhaps without the last e) but that was the actual spelling and none other. Time has shown me a number of spellings that belong to this family and all are welcomed certainly. The work done by the earlier researchers Dr Richard Pinkham and Galen Pinkham is greatly appreciated by me. Word of mouth (some of it is that) is always valuable even if you do find that some things are not remembered quite the same by everyone. As the past records tumble onto the internet and become so readily available as downloads by application to the National Archives of the UK more information spills into that research portfolio including the possibility that this is the Pencombe family of Herefordshire dating back into the 1300s. Proving that may not be easy but I shall seek to find what documents are available in my trek back in time. 

My tea is about ready to drink now and so I shall contemplate as I drink my lovely green tea the book to be which shall commence after my cataract surgery. My father (and my mother) had a successful time and that was fourty years ago now. My memories of his working on his crossword puzzles remains with me as one of those things I remember about his old age (our mutual eye doctor, one of his scouts, always said my eyes were exactly the same as his). I will take my time recovering and then on to the Pencombe book followed by the Andover Blake family book. My parents would be pleased to have these books produced as both were very interested in their family history so I do them in their memory and dedicated to their descendants. The Siderfin book is a sort of trial run and a learning moment plus it needed to be revised to include new material and I was just in the right place and the right time to do that.

On to the day and breakfast, I am quite famished as usual. But it is me I have always eaten large at the beginning of the day and small at the end resulting in hunger in the morning!

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