Monday, August 14, 2023

Romans 11 is the Bible Reading for today

 The entire chapter is very interesting as it talks about the Gentiles and how they fitted into the Church that Jesus Christ created with Himself as the cornerstone. Romans is the longest of St Paul's epistles. The Concordance relates that this epistle is the most systematic in its theology. Time was always very limited perhaps and Paul wanted to write down all of his thoughts. Paul was not one of the original group of disciples but he became perhaps the strongest of them all because he was a disbeliever who became by miraculous means a follower. Sometimes coming in after the fact can give you a view that is very encompassing I rather think. The passage for Paul was a very long and difficult one to Jesus. But when he came to be a follower his whole self was melded to the new vision. He writes "Who can measure the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God? Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does?" God is omnipotent; He was there at the beginning; He gave us Jesus His Son and He will be there at the end. All that we have; all that we know is part of His universe and we are but one species in all of that. The words by which we are saved were clearly said to us - love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbours as ourselves. The world has not yet reached that plateau of life because of rogue nations; because of greed; because of envy but we must to have peace. We lost too much in the World Wars of the last century; we must build on what the youth of those times did for us; respect their loss and create a better world. 

Perhaps it is watching the bird families out of our window every day as the summer passes as their young are slowly trained to become adults; the space of time so much shorter than the life of human children as these birds by the end of the summer have to fly thousands of miles with their parents to their feeding and living grounds in the south. All of the bird's efforts are put towards teaching them in these few short months so that their species can survive. They live in our yard, they feed at the bird feeder and yet when they are gone there is barely a trace that they were here. We must learn to be more like that and protect and care for the planet as we were always meant to do. 

Monday once again and it is cleaning day. Along with that I shall work on the 12th Generation of the Siderfin Family. The length of the book is slowly declining as I format the rough text from my Legacy download of data. Plus I am eliminating all references past 1920 which takes out lengths of text here and there. When I have completed this task and sent the book into the Guild Library I will also include a readout of my Legacy File. When someone in the future takes up the Siderfin name once again as a one name study then they will have all of the material that I have collected and utilized. I am considering taking up the name for one year and depositing everything collected and will look into that. 

The summer is fading quickly and it was dark when I first awoke. Hunger once again sends me off to breakfast and then on to the work of the day.

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