Friday, September 15, 2023

8 degrees celsius this morning

Definitely fall is in the air and winter to follow with 8 degrees celsius this morning and mostly clear. Today I must shut the water off in the outdoor taps and cut the lawn. Gradually the activities of the summer are diminishing. 

Not a great deal of accomplishment yesterday except for one new Appendix of the items belonging to the Exmoor which James Sanders had in his original book. They are attached to the bankruptcies of Thomas 5 Siderfin and Robert 5 Siderfin; the first settled by Robert and the second by the grandsons of Thomas members of the Darch family. It makes interesting reading but adds very little to the generations of the Siderfin family in that both of these sons daughtered out although I am still ambivalent that Elizabeth Siderfin named as the daughter of Robert 5 was actually Elizabeth Gould his step daughter. I will leave others to prove that though as one would need access to more records than I have here in Canada. 

Yesterday I had a lovely day of exercise and TV watching to give my eyes a rest. Today I shall return to the Generations and work on the Sixth Generation. I am moving along nicely and may yet make it to the end of the book by the end of September although only sixteen days left including today. I also need to do the Blake Newsletter but I will see a finish by early October and then back to the proofreading of the text and then publication. 

My fingers are itching to get into the Pincombe family book but it remains on the back burner of my brain for the moment or I would get distracted. The Blake book as well sits there on the back burner as I shall be extracting material whilst working on the Pincombe family book for the Blake records as well. I am allotting two years for each book and we will see how that goes. I have a lot of material already but I need to do a lot of transcription of documents I have in my cache of documents collected at Kew now ten years ago and more. I may need to order new copies - time will tell on that but I have rarely opened them so they remain in relatively pristine condition from an electronic point of view. They have been backed up in their early days on several other systems as well. 

My daughter was encouraging me once again to let the weeds rot through the winter rather than doing a lot of pulling up so will probably go with that. We will see what the spring brings!

Jumping jacks and then tea and a bit of work and then on to jumping jacks once again and breakfast. The day has commenced. Ian White's CD of Psalms playing and the world will soon start to wake up outside of my windows. It is still dark however so a little longer for that.

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