Thursday, September 14, 2023

Fifth Generation of the Siderfin Family completed and on to the 6th Generation

Yesterday went very well and I completed the Fifth Generation. The Sixth Generation is vitally dependent on my premises made on the basis of the 1653 Answer document by Robert and Ursula Siderfin and the Will and other material for Robert Siderfin in 1688. Both of these sets of documents along with all of James Sanders material are going to let me now show that the line of Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth Question was descendant of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) which James Sanders did not do. He implied it but he did not commit to it. I will not likely produce a Pedigree chart but on the other hand I might do so but it will be large and I could put it up as a hypertext link to a server and will think about that and then it can be enlarged by the user. Legacy can produce such a chart.  However the entire chart is too large to export so would have to see what I can do with the various Lines - the Robert Line is the only one which comes down to the present.

Picked another pint of raspberries and my freezer is getting a lot of containers of raspberries. I can always put them in my breakfast instead of blueberries but I actually really like blueberries. Perhaps if I run out sometimes I could do that. 

So a day with a little less computer time as my eyes are a bit tired today and will pace myself accordingly but I am pleased at having the fifth generation completed for this first time through the final version. I will do some on the 6th generation but mostly making sure that all of the text that I want to be in there is and putting other text into an appendix. I will include a link to the Internet Archive copy of James Sanders original book on the front page of the revised and updated version. 

Twelve degrees celsius today and it is cloudy although  no rain mentioned in the forecast at 6:30 a.m. We are coming into Fall now but the summer did pass very quickly although now into nearly half way September the same is true of this month; it has passed very quickly. My snow clearing is all set up and just the clearing away of summer equipment to do. I have all the hoses put away except one and may do that today. I do like to have some sun though as I wash the hoses and want them to be dry to hang them for the winter. 

The sunflowers are quite lovely now and soon the squirrels will harvest them for the winter. My daughter wants me to not cut down all the plants once frost has come so that the organic material rots into the ground but that could be pretty messy in the spring. I will think about that. I could leave a larger stubble like the farmers in their fields! But leaving everything is just a wet mess in the spring. The lawn has suffered this year, I did not do that well at pulling weeds but then I think what is a weed; it is just a wild flower that I did not plant. I am not a gardener for sure! My grandmother would be horrified - her yard was perfect. 

First set of jumping jacks and tea. Ian White's CD is playing and a wonderful way to start the day. Breakfast in a bit and I shall have a mixture of blueberries and raspberries. One should eat those lovely berries when they are fresh for sure.

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