Friday, September 8, 2023

Back to the beginning and moving ahead

The fingers were itching to write and so back to the beginning of the book and moving forward checking the footnoting and moving the long transcriptions that James Sanders made in his book "History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset" to appendices in the back of the book. They are wonderful to have but the intent of the book is a genealogical tree in word form coming down from John Siderfin the patriarch of the modern Siderfin family from circa 1500s on down to the early 1900s. I am working on the Third Generation and hope to complete that today and move on to the Fourth Generation. The book will probably be around 250 pages although only 212 pages at the moment I still have material to add as I work my way through the generations. 

I shall also get started on the Creative Commons License which will protect the book from being sold when I wish it to be freely available. It will also make it possible for anyone in the future, and not the distant future because of copyright, to edit and revise my book when the need is there. 

A few housekeeping items to work on today as well. Slowly downsizing is occurring and another few years will see me closer to a more basic life style which is much easier for me to handle. 

G20 is meeting and I hope that a statement comes from the group which sees war (such as Russia is waging against Ukraine) as a useless wasteful and illegal act. We need stability in our world as we face the greatest crisis that man has faced since the World Wars of the last century - Climate Change. No one country should have the right to invade the sovereign space of another country. Dreams of an old Soviet Union (which should never have existed as it did after the Second World War anyway) are only that and Russia must content itself with the borders as they were before they invaded Ukraine; before they invaded Georgia if that is what ends up happening as Russia implodes trying greedily to take land from the countries around her. Nazism is dead; respect for borders must be the way to the future. One can not invade another country as Russia has and grab their land and claim that it is theirs. 

Glory to Ukraine. 

On to the day, lots to do and get done. 

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