Thursday, September 7, 2023

Busy day yesterday - car in for oil change

Yesterday was a busy day as I took the car in for an oil change. The walk outside was lovely although it was warm I had a water bottle with me and enjoyed the walk back. Car just needs its winter snow tires a little later and all ready for winter and storage in the garage as I only go out a couple of times a month once winter comes. I can drive easily in snow but I just am not a shopper and it is just food that does draw me out although I could also have it delivered - may look at that this winter. I do hate shopping. Maybe too much of shopping through the years; Edward loved to shop and when he retired he went shopping every day. Looking back I am glad that he did do that as he loved shopping and quite made his day. In the small village of Princeton there weren't very many places to shop and he seldom was in the cities until he went to University.

Back to the Siderfin Book and I am deciding now how to insert some of these long items that James Sanders transcribed into the book. I think it will be with appendices as the information is vital and he did a great job of collecting the information that he did collect but it doesn't belong to the recitation of the generations except to prove points or illustrate points so is better as appendices where it will be easier to simply quote him there without a lot of extra footnoting which I need in the main book. I will continue having the first section being from his book because he wrote it well and it is interesting to understand the very early items on the family. Having finally made that decision it will be easier to move forward and I would like to accomplish quite a bit this month on the book. 

Grey outside today and the trees are waiting for the wind, hanging limply as they wait for rain as well. Both are coming at some point today and the heat will continue but not quite so hot, high 20s instead of low to middle 30s (celsius that is). Life is always a waiting game I rather think. Children wait to be adults; adults wait to find their soul mate; adults wait for children and then grandchildren. I always counted God as being my very best friend from childhood on as long as I could remember (my grandmother always said that I loved God first, my grandfather second and her third). I think I may have acquired those thoughts from both of my grandparents who had a strong love for God when I knew them and possibly all of their lives but I didn't know them before I was a child so they had already lived a long life when I first knew them. But their passion for God was always real to me and I liked to hear them talk about God.  It was from them that I learned that God no longer walked and talked with man but was the very essence of our world. His commandments were easy to understand and follow; love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as ourself. With that in mind we could have peace and they definitely believed in peace. But then they had both seen two World Wars and many of their cousins known to them had perished in those wars. My grandmother was in England in 1939; she returned to visit with her cousins after my mother married and it was to have been a trip that both my mother and she would take but my mother wanted to get married not go to the British Isles. So she went alone and I can follow her travels because she told me the route so many times. She was last in Kent and Surrey where she enjoyed the flowers but war was coming, sandbagging had started and the wonderful treasures of the British Isles were being taken where they could not be destroyed; for her it was a sad time that war was coming and the cousins she had visited may not be there if she ever came again. 

On to the day, jumping jacks and breakfast now as I have done my first set of jumping jacks and drank my tea, played my solitaire games. 

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