Friday, September 29, 2023

The Ninth Generation of the Siderfin book continues

I did work on the Ninth Generation of the Siderfin family continuing into the Robert-Line. I needed to add in abstracts of the wills and did complete that. I tried once again to find the Inland Revenue Wills for the two John Siderfins in 1814 and 1830. I also wrote to the Somerset Record Office to see if they could help me with ordering them. It would be good to see the entire will if I could. I am assuming that James Sanders abstracting of these two wills covered anything interesting but perhaps I shouldn't make that assumption and so I will try to purchase those two items. 

The footnoting is going well and I do see that I will likely only complete the Ninth Generation by the end of the month if I do actually complete that in these two days. There isn't actually that much and I can complete without the wills but will have them as backup when I do the final read through. 

Good exercise breaks yesterday and will keep that up today. Finished off the Frittata for dinner which I made the night before. It was lovely - fresh avocado, fresh spinach and fresh pepper along with the eggs and cheese of course and I use the liquid off of the yoghurt as the cream to stir into the eggs. Makes for an elegant dinner for sure along with a broccoli salad (raisins and cranberries). 

Today more work on the Ninth Generation. I also need to get back to my Latin as yesterday was not a successful day. Perhaps today will go a little more smoothly. The vocabulary increase was larger than usual and I think I need to perhaps make up a card of the new words to look at them through the day. Although I have reached a point where I wonder whether I should just move on to the Latin on the UK website as I do not want to carry on conversations but rather I want to transcribe old documents. The training has been really good though. I am perhaps at a crossroads and will have to think out my direction going forward. I have been doing Latin for four months nearly. It is amazing  how much I have learned. 

My new project doing obituaries for my High School is picking up as well - two done and another needing to be done today. I like to have at least a day or two to think about the obituary before I prepare the one for the website. So far I have not known any of the people. 

Friday again and I may rake the leaves out front later today. Time will tell.

Jumping Jacks and Teatime next.  

I really meant not to get distracted but eliminating $1B from the military budget is not a good plan. We need to support our military; would love to see the budget as it currently stands. Although that is of course restricted information but if the cutting is for essential items that we need to manage our three oceans and the sky above it I really do feel that cuts must be made somewhere else. Increase the GST to 7% or 10% (that is basically a tax on the wealthy) and dedicate the money to the military. Increase the deductions for CPP and dedicate that to the CPP. I do love fiscal conservatism. I am not opposed to Pierre Poiliviere winning the election (I just do not feel at this point in time he would make a good Prime Minister; he does not control his questioning in parliament adequately - he makes it too personal to the extreme; he could shape that up quite quickly) although for the most part I do believe the Liberals have done a great job particularly during COVID; inflation is not their fault (these personal attacks need to stop; stick with the issues); I will send emails constantly if I do not like what he is doing which I did do during the tenure of Stephen Harper. Hopefully enough excellent fiscal conservatives get elected to get us back on track with expenditures. I do consider Parliament responsible for the recent issue (all party leaders should have put in the time to learn who would be sitting in the balconies so that they could object). This was an important event. Too much time is put in by one particular person to denounce the Prime Minister on issues that have nothing to do with Parliament. Most of us do not care what the Prime Minister does in his personal time. He at least knows how to be Prime Minister and he is good at it.

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