Thursday, September 28, 2023

My day of research and writing

 I did manage to spend some time on the Siderfin Book. Not as much as I would have liked but overall it is moving forward but still in the Ninth Generation. The last birth in the William-Line was attributed to Robert son of Walter but the timing is somewhat strange but will leave it as this is really the only known individual who would have been the parent of Joanna baptized in 1731. Time may sort that one out but I do not see anything else at the moment that would change this particular assignment. It does see the end of the William-Line though in the male line Siderfin family. I have not followed the Siderfin-Worth line although it may well extend down into the present time just as my Siderfin-Rew line does. No ideas on that and this is  meant to be a surname study book so have not done the research much past the first generation of Siderfin-Worth. 

So today is dedicated to footnoting and perhaps a little day dreaming about the Pincombe book to come. I like to keep all my projects on the back burner somewhat just in case I have thoughts on items which I might like to obtain and this is a good time to start that process as finding an item, ordering that item is about a six week project and six weeks does bring me into mid-November and I could  start the Pincombe book in early December. 

That is somewhat dependent on my cataract surgery but I have not heard anything on that. So will plan tentatively to begin the Pincombe book but it is flexible and I can just move it on into 2024 if my surgery actually does get booked. It is the first priority but I do not have any information at this moment in time. I must set up my optometrist appointment but I wonder if I should wait a little longer as I would not need that in January if I have the cataract surgery. Likely it would be in March I guess. I can see now why seniors get frustrated with their appointments. Last year I was waiting for my appointment for my colonoscopy although I did know it would be in May which was helpful as I just waited until they called me. I do know that surgeries/procedures are backed up. Perhaps a call to the eye doctor's office if I do not hear anything by the 1st of November. That way I can plan any other appointments if I learn the likely time frame. I wonder if deciding not to have the more expensive lens affects anything (probably not I think there is a waiting list and people are triaged). I had two eye tests that presumably measure the cataract and perhaps determines the best time for surgery. I could have the more expensive lens but I really prefer to wear glasses so do not want to get involved with something that already adjusts my eyes (and I am not actually sure that I believe it will work as they are always changing my glasses). I do realize lens are more refined now than when I was a child and I replace these plastic lens every two years as I have ever since I started wearing plastic instead of glass; amazing that I can actually read with those tiny little glasses that I had when I was one year old though (but Dr Dyson did say my eyes were just like my Dads so that probably helped in prescribing them). My eyes are not exactly a typical eye dysfunction. I think going with the plain lens is the better option for my strabismus/astigmatism eyes. Since both eyes are affected by strabismus and astigmatism  I definitely feel better having the plain lens having now given it even more consideration (time is certainly a gift at any place in your life). Perhaps in the future they can correct eyes like mine but Dr Dyson did tell me that laser surgery would not work on my eyes and he, after all, was one of the pioneers in eye surgery. Besides my parents did well with their plain lens and that was fourty years ago now. My eyes are just like my dad's eyes were. So I just feel more relaxed going with what he had basically although I suspect in fourty years even the simple lens have moved along!

I suppose I would not actually be thinking about this yet but when I spoke to the secretary letting her know to tell the doctor that I would go with the OHIP lens option later that day after my appointment where we talked about the advanced lens (the doctor was going to do special measurements and I wanted to save her that time) I had the impression that it was going to be December for the surgery. 

I wanted to do some reading on replacement lens to understand what was happening after the appointment. I would advise anyone going for a cataract appointment to read up on it before you go so that you can ask the right questions. I had no idea it had changed so much but it was fourty years since my parent's got their lens replacement and I really did not talk to my sister very much who had hers done about ten years ago I think. But she doesn't have strabismus and astigmatism so it wouldn't have helped me anyway. I told the secretary that I would call back in early November to see if I was going to have the surgery in December and she said she would be calling long before then. Yes, I think a call early in November as I originally thought would be a good idea and then I would be able to book an optometrist appointment as he said I should come every year and I would need to book that in order to get a spot about the right time. All settled and back to working on my book. Too many distractions.

It takes me a very long time to get used to people. The doctor who did my colonoscopy earlier in the year was a lovely person; really liked him and he took his time to explain the results of my test which I greatly appreciated (which was just minutes to be sure but they are really busy people). I only ever met him the one time and we conversed just the one time on the phone planning for the actual test. But he is a specialist and one doesn't really get to know specialists; they just do the job that needs doing. I barely know my family doctor although she too is a lovely person. I just do not have any issues and doctor's offices are the last place I want to spend time in to be honest. In and out quick is my motto and that works for me. The doctors I had mostly as a child I knew all of my life right up until we moved here when I was 30. The doctor that I first had when we moved here was a lovely person; I was sorry to leave him but we were moving across the city. Mind you I did barely see him but lots of doctors just have a great way with patients to be sure. He was interested in my background in chemistry and encouraged me to do my masters when I was stronger. But I reminisce and there is work to do; breakfast to be made. Jumping jacks all done, tea is drank and on to breakfast.

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