Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Descendancy style

So long as the individual carries the surname Siderfin I have retained the successive generations with their name marking them as to their generation from John 1. When errors occur in the Siderfin surname these people are also included as that is an error and their name is Siderfin. But for female descendants like myself I do not record their descent from the time that a marriage occurs which takes them away from the Siderfin surname. When a marriage occurs between a Siderfin female and a male with a Siderfin mother those children do not have the descent noted. If a female child of that family marries back into the Siderfin family than their children are recorded with the father's descent. That is just the way that I decided to code people. I am sure other people have different ideas. But we live in a male surname styled world although changing in this generation on occasion but I am not bringing my work up to this generation so not a problem for me. 

A little work done yesterday but it was cleaning day and that means not much time for anything else. I am now in an interesting set of names, the descendants of Augustine were John and Robert. Each of them had large families but they provide a measuring tool for me to look at my progress. I am still working on John the eldest and will be about half way when John is completed. I am perhaps half way through John's children's children. I do not regret being so insistent of rechecking all the footnoting as my references date back over ten years and so much more is available now. I really did not think about that at the time when I was considering the possible finish date. I must admit I just go with the flow and make changes as necessary. 

The full day of cleaning accomplished yesterday but not a great deal more. It does take most of my day. The one-room concept does dominate my thoughts on such a day. I really only need what I have in my room as I seldom touch anything outside of that room except in the kitchen and the living room but all of that can fit into the one room concept. I generally only use one element of the stove to cook. My meals are basic. The TV occupies me in the living room but there is also the stationery bicycle which I use mostly in the winter.  Other than that I do not particularly touch anything in that room. At 78 I have surprisingly good health but I do not have any of the "bad" genes that generally start catching up with people in their mid-70s. I exercise regularly far more than what is suggested. I neither drink nor smoke nor have I ever to any degree (although I did use to enjoy a little good wine occasionally until my husband's illness caught up with him).  One should always push oneself to do more than one actually needs to do for basic exercise. 

Today I shall get some work done on the book plus I will do some raking outside. Perhaps I will do five bags a week for the next month and that should get rid of all of the leaves. I can space that raking time out over a couple of days; I am not a young person nor am I that person who used to go out and do ten bags full and still continue. One must smell the roses when you are 78 and take life easier. 

I remember my grandfather talking about his cousins who lived in London and spent their days and nights underground during the blitz of 1940. He said it made them realize that they didn't need their houses anymore just a very small place where they could have the things that mean most to them (but they were all older and past retirement then; the young amongst them still wanted all of that but they too hid underground but then their underground was safe and not full of vipers). The bombs thundered overhead but way down in the underground they were safe. That was all that mattered to them; that and giving it back in full score but the British are like that. They have survived as a people all these centuries because they long ago learned to live with the times. To clean out the vipers in their society and move on respectfully forgiving and forgetting. The clash of Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israeli groups should not be happening in Canada. I understand the Pro-Israeli feelings because they have been wronged; their people have been attacked once again and Hamas went after the babies, the small children, the young women and the old (the woman hostage just released (one of them) was beaten as she was taken to Gaza - an 85 year old woman) and their barbaric war on them deserves an answer but time is with the Israelis. The Israeli huge standing army is just waiting. I am sure the government of Lebanon will be glad to have Hezbollah gone. Hezbollah also bombing Israel like the vipers they are. The Pro-Palestinians are never there for their people except when they are hating Israel just for existing. Disgusting really and I do wish they would keep their flags to themselves; fly them in your backyard I do not care but keep them and your hatred for Israel off the public streets. We have lots of flags that belong to Canada; that represent Canada both the present and our deep past (and I have deep respect for the flag of Israel; they have suffered in this past century more than any people in the world). We respect the past; at least a lot of us do and the First Nations can tell us of the past; of a Canada rich in wild life and plant life and touched by the Creator in so many ways. This is Canada. And we need an amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - I was never in agreement with the creation of that Charter and I remain of that opinion. Minority attempts at dictatorship is  not my idea of democracy and that is what we often get displayed on our streets - last winter's occupation here in Ottawa is a good reminder of the problems that this Charter presents and it does need amendments. The Charter limits the rights of the majority and we must protect ourselves from satanic minorities that exist in the world. Large countries may look awkward but they protect the rights of the minority when they are a democracy but those rights must not be abused by minority groups. We have to live together on this planet and Global Warming is really the issue that needs to be front and centre. Work together people; stop hating!

Well time for jumping jacks and I do tire of the vipers of the world - Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and numerous others; they are selfish and do not regard the earth as more than a place for them to pillage. They are not human except in look; they are satanic. On to the day; it is early and not yet daylight but soon the hint of sunrise will come in the east.

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