Monday, October 23, 2023

One sixth of the way through the Eleventh Generation of Siderfin

Working on that completion it looks like it will take me all of next week and perhaps a couple of more days after that to complete this generation. The number of descendants increased rapidly but surprisingly there are a number of families that did not have any children. And there were smaller families with just one, two or three children. But still a lot of families with more than six children to make up for that in terms of numbers. 

More information generally available in the 1800s/1900s which is handy. A number of the Siderfin females taught school (including my Elizabeth Rew). Perhaps it was a popular occupation for women in the 1800s in England. No ideas on that. 

Still thinking about how to present the autosomal results. I haven't really looked at them very much yet so will try and take a bit of time to do that. I have most of them in DNA Painter which makes it easy to spot common sections of DNA that are passed down through the generations. When these are in high density areas they are likely common to most people who have ancestry in the British Isles that goes back a thousand years. 

Cleaning today and I begin with the top floor. I do not have any particular aims this week just the usual cleaning to keep the dust down and make it easier to keep the house clean by doing it every week.The leaves have come down quickly and when they have dried up after the rain will rake them.

Yesterday I took a bit of a break from footnoting and organized my images for the Pincombe book to come. I have quite a few from the 1400s, 1500s and 1600s that I took from the original rolls at the National Archives at Kew when we visited there several times about a decade ago now. I have looked at them a little but they are a huge project and I wanted to check the state of the files. Most of them look doable but will think about ordering a couple of new ones that have appeared.  

Another day in God's world and it is 2 degrees celsius here; the tipping point that sends us on into winter. Peace has been slipping away from us but the measured discipline of the Israeli military which wants only to eliminate Hamas and bring the hostages home is the hope of all of us who respect the rule of law. For the Palestinians their own state and they are ready to move forward into that when the chance is given to them it does appear. Eliminate the vipers Hamas, Islamic Jihadists and Hezbollah  and others from our world so that peace can come in the Middle East. They are a danger to all countries there.  They are scum hiding behind babies, children, women and men hostages. Free the Hostages. Glory to Israel. Glory to Ukraine. Support for the Palestinian people to do away with Hamas, Islamic Jihadists and Hezbollah the vipers in their midst.

Solitaire games, a cup of tea after jumping jacks and on to the day.

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