Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Missed the BIFHSGO Conference!

I kept meaning to write the Conference on the Calendar because I have been so very busy writing this last year but did manage to miss it after all; it was last weekend. However I did make great progress on the book which I hope to publish towards the end of the year. Went in and renewed my membership at BIFHSGO early this morning as I had also forgotten to do that. I have been a member since this Society was created and long before I had any interest in one-name studies; my mother was still alive and very much interested in pursuing her Pincombe family. But somehow the idea of a British Society appealed to me way back then although Edward was really keen on being there as he had begun to find his Dissenters by that time and they did turn out to be a fascinating lot. Pretty much every British  ancestor that he had that came to the colonies in the 1620s-1630s was a Dissenter! The membership renewal is usually on the Conference registration but did not see it;  not surprising my attention is riveted to the Siderfin book at the moment. I will be happy to complete the Siderfin book and move on to the Pincombe book for sure. I never contemplated revising James Sanders book nor having it morph into a freestanding book on its own although also revising James Sander's book. But there it is; life is always a surprise for sure. It is nice to support the Conference though even if I didn't actually attend!

Today cleaning the other two floors and I consider that a must so that I do not have to do a whole lot of cleaning all at once at my age of 78 years. It is working well and the cleaning progresses in the same fashion week after week. The days are very organized but that is my nature to have organization if one can. It does keep the mind fit I think. Then there is all the exercise and that hopefully keeps me walking a good straight line. 

Yesterday I worked through the Bunt family (Joanna Rew married Petherick Bunt and their five children were difficult to locate and very little information but recorded none the less). Moving on to her siblings today and for this work I have done most of the lines because that is my line - Elizabeth Siderfin married John Rew and are my 3x great grandparents with Elizabeth Rew marrying John Pincombe. So today continuing with Elizabeth Siderfin's oldest and only surviving brother Thomas. Elizabeth must have been the second born of a set of twins as her father mentioned her last in his will.  It is a fascinating family actually with most of them remaining in England still and I have corresponded with every line in that family. They did keep in touch - Elizabeth here and her siblings in England until my great grandfather William Robert Pincombe passed away in 1918 (70 years after Elizabeth came to Canada with her husband and family). But amazingly even with the paperwork that still existed I never did find the surname Siderfin in any of that. 

Prayers for Israel and all the Jewish people under threat around the world, Prayers for Ukraine, Prayers for the Palestinian people and that they may soon have their own state.

Ian White's Psalms playing early this  morning. What a lovely day; snow on the ground once again. Winter is finally starting to show itself.

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