Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Active mind today

Vacuuming away and thoughts do come to me that I must write down. First and foremost I must do the Kipp Newsletter for the 1st which will only look at the yDNA results of the Big-Y that we did on Edward's kit. I will also publish the H11 Newsletter (the yearly version generally published 1st of February each year). 

I did finally find a new dentist in walking distance (reasonable that is although I did not mind the walk up to St Joseph's Blvd probably as I continue to age it will be a step too far!). I will miss this dentist as he was very quick but probably the new one will be as well. So that was really good news as I want to be prepared for just in case the decision is made not to let me keep my license. I did not actually pass the eye vision test way back when I was just twenty one years of age. However, after the driving test it was decided that my not being able to see to read the actual street signs was not a big deal and I passed and especially now with the GPS not a real problem (I can see the intersection and everything around it very well). I never go anywhere without the GPS. However, I do not leave my own close  area on my own; always have a person in the car with me. My daughters learned their letters very young (around 2) and would read the letters off to me; not sure what they thought of that but then they didn't know that all mother's didn't ask their children to read the road signs at that young age! We will see how this eye test goes in two years as I will then be 80 and have had the cataract surgery I think. Not sure when that is and must keep it in my mind to ask if I am scheduled yet. The colonoscopy was much easier as I was told they would call me roughly the end of April to schedule and they did exactly almost to the day! So I was not wondering and knew to keep May clear. The method used for the colonoscopy was the same as I used when I was booking surgeries (the patient knew it would be in a certain month). Anyway time will tell on that. 

The dentist is organized although I did go to the other dentist's office for 45 years. When we arrived here way back when I went over to the drug store (main floor of the medical centre) and asked if they knew if any dentists and doctors were taking patients and they were most helpful directing me to a French named doctor and the dentist the next floor up from him where they didn't recommend a dentist just said there was a number of them there. When I got to the doctor's office it turned out to be split between two people - one English speaking and one French speaking. It didn't matter to me as I had had a French speaking doctor where we lived before we moved here so was quite comfortable with either. But the two receptionists talked about it (rather strangely I felt since I was actually in the room) and the English-speaking doctor was the one we acquired. He turned out to be Edward's cousin which didn't concern me overly. I tend to have the English attitude somewhat in that regard - only first cousins are really cousins; the rest are distant relatives. I knew he wasn't Edward's first cousin I had met all of them. But I digress. 

Certainly Edward and Gordon enjoyed their chats about the Kipp family and the time that they spent at the Ontario Genealogical Society Ottawa Branch although I can not exactly remember how many meetings Edward went to with Gordon (it was Gordon's idea but as I said to Edward back in the early 80s not for me; I wanted to be with the girls plus I was proofreading most days and liked my evenings free). Still like my evenings free to be honest; I am not a meeting person. Online is my style of meeting for sure. I only started going when I took on the Pincombe Profile (after a good deal of arm-twisting!) for my cousin George DeKay's Westminster History Books back in 2003. I was hoping some of that genealogy research might rub off but as it turned out I just took 42 courses at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies; excellent courses in English and Canadian Studies plus Methodology. And I ended up with a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS). And a Pincombe Profile!

Now what other services do I need to be in walking distance. There is already a drug store; there is a grocery store (I can always get a taxi home or have it delivered), there is a physiotherapist and perhaps he might one day have a physician who does sports medicine as most if not all of my slip ups involve exercise strains. So the only person that requires me to drive/take a taxi is the physician. Good news as it looks like I am moving forward with having people close by. 

Well half vacuumed on the main floor and putting all my thoughts (well a few extra grew from my thinking!) on paper is necessary these days as my mind is very busy and I do forget momentarily, generally just at the time I need to remember, but it does come back to me eventually. 

Back to cleaning.

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