Sunday, October 8, 2023

More than half done

 Prayers for Afghanistan as they recover from an earthquake.

Dictators or wanna be dictators are wreaking havoc in our world at the moment - all they want is the most money they can acquire and they use the system to get there; their smiles and good deeds are done only to persuade people that they have their back but in return the admirers of dictators throw away that liberty that their parents, grandparents, etc fought for through the centuries. Dictators want you to work for the lowest dollar possible so they can make as much money as possible. Do not let them fool you; they do not have any other ideas beyond their own profit, nor do they put any effort into making the country better except for themselves. Hitler showed us what a world under dictators is like. The blueprint is there; we need to guard against dictatorships like Russia breaking out of its borders. Beware of distractions. Glory to Ukraine; keep supplying Ukraine with military might.

Israel has a right to defend itself. Israel and Palestine must sit down at the bargaining table and work out their differences. Then both sides have to keep the pact. But no pact can be made until all Israelis and other nationalities are returned to Israel and Hamas stops attacking Israel. Many have tried to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hamas is a terrorist group. Prayers for Israel.

Continued with the 10th generation but it is slow going; slower than I thought but I persevere although may take the day off today. My eyes could use a rest. Up early today and will go and do my jumping jacks. A great way to start the day. Then breakfast as I am hungry.  

Sunday Service on YouTube today - Harvest Sunday with some of my favourite hymns. Not quite like the service that I grew up with as the Archdeacon Abraham was a gardener and he encouraged people to bring fruits of their garden as well and the church was full of all that goodness that then went to the needy. But this is a Cathedral Church so is somewhat different from my family Church. The service was lovely as usual and the sermon rather interesting - three kinds of prayer - help, adoration and wow. The names were interesting and caught the modern life that we  now live. I am not sure I have ever prayed for help other than short prayers when something comes to my mind that seems desperate. I tend to think God put me on this earth and I must take care of myself knowing that His love is always there surrounding me no matter what happens. So I have not yet prayed to Him for help for myself. Adoration is the usual prayer thanking God for the wonder of the earth and all that is in it; thank you for my grandparents, parents and siblings as a child and then as an adult adding in my husband, my children, my grandchildren and just letting me walk upon the face of the earth as long as He has done so. The Wow is the scary part sometimes for me although there is also the feature of the wondrous things that He does. A very interesting sermon on the day of the Ten Lepers reading. 

Time to do my fourty minute run which always reminds me of "Chariots of Fire" and how much Eric Liddell loved to run. It would be exciting to say that he inspired me because I am sure that he inspired many people but actually it was my great grandfather who inspired me; a man I only knew through my grandfather's eyes and heart. My great grandfather was a runner and after he and his wife moved from Upper Clatford to Goodworth Clatford (about a mile apart) he used to run back home every day (he was retired by then I believe but I was very young when I learned this story) to the Church that he was baptized in and married in and where his children were baptized and married to thank God for the wonders of the world. I think that was what my grandfather used to say but I was very young. I thought the idea of running was beautiful and to do it for God so meaningful.


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