Saturday, October 7, 2023

Working on the Tenth Generation

Augustine Siderfin and Mary Davies had just the two sons - John and Robert. I am still working on the grandchildren of John and some of his grandchildren had huge families. All but one of his children married, one did not have any children but in total 37 grandchildren compared to Robert's 21 although I may be missing some of his. It is this generation that created the huge number of Siderfin families in the mid to late 1800s. It is years since I have looked at some of this material I am realizing. I did give the project away when asked but now I do want to follow through with one of my first aims which was to revise James Sanders book.

An AI project in Israel has had an enormous impact on the translation of 5,000 year old cuneiform with just under 40% clarity which is considered good. There are a limited number of cuneiform readers in the world so this is a great breakthrough. My work on latin has slacked off lately as the latin I am learning is geared towards a more modern life whereas the latin I need to translate is from the 1200s to the 1500s. Once the book is finished I will then investigate a method for me to continue working on this new skill. I will try to keep it maintained by working in duolingo periodically but I think I can not progress forward until I have sufficient time to learn all the new vocabulary (I am up to 250 words) but then it isn't vocabulary that I will be using but the declensions that I have been learning are very important. 

It is time to do my usual winter routine of living like a hermit only coming out like the hunter-gatherers of our ancient past to get food at the grocery store. But first I must do a little gardening when the rain stops and the ground becomes workable again. It will loosen up all those things that I need to take down like huge sunflower plants. This winter should see me complete the Siderfin Book and start into the Pincombe book. I also want to work on phasing my grandparent's - actually revising the existing data. Generally there are very few changes, sometimes a line moves a little as the testing companies have refined their points that they test. But I do have new data at Living DNA that I have not yet touched to any degree. I have nearly 100 new matches in my new match file also not integrated into my files. As I work my way through matches of less than 20 cM will be filtered out although I mostly only use matches greater than 25 cM anyway. The ones I am using are from known cousins but I rely on their research as to where they re matching me so will avoid having that dictate anything but can remain if they are simply verifying other matches that we have in common. 

Soon time for winter tires and all that entails but as I move towards 80 I do not see a lot of driving in my future for sure. Although I am always there just in case the driver needs a break for sure. I also need to clean up my desktop. Every couple of months I do file the items on my desktop or throw them out. I do like to give files a chance to season before I decide whether or not I want to keep them. 

Ian White's Psalms playing in the background. No sun this morning but dawn is breaking in the east and another day is with us. Must make the most of the day and move forward. I would like to complete John (son of Augustine)'s grandchildren today and move to Robert. There is nearly a trebling of descendants in this next generation and the same in the one following which is the completion as I will not go beyond the twelfth generation. I will leave that for another. My interest in the Siderfin line is not strong, my 3x great grandmother is a long way back for sure. But I did take from James Sanders Preface that he felt as I do that just getting it done in print is a start and somewhere in the future another will pick up the mantle and refine it all even further. 

The Pincombe book and the Blake Family of Andover book are my parent's lines going back and certainly my interest level is much higher. The Siderfin is in my maternal grandfather's line with his paternal grandmother being Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe and daughter of my last Siderfin ancestor Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew baptized as Betty Siderfin daughter of Robert Siderfin and Grace (Kent) Siderfin. That is the line that I will be working on next. The grandchildren of Robert son of Augustine and my 2x great grandmother. 

Jumping Jacks and teatime. Solitaire and then on to the day. The Maple tree has rich red colours on it; a beautiful fall for sure.

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