Monday, October 16, 2023

The Defense Budget


The United States is bringing their people who need to leave in the Middle East on a ship; where are our ships? We have three oceans around us and we need more ships. One billion dollars can not be stripped from the Defense Budget. Although I have supported the Liberal government these past eight years and I will say they did a great job during COVID and the run up time to COVID as we recovered from the mistakes of the previous government - most principal of which was the reduction of the GST to 5% from 7% along with quite a few other mistakes. They should have taken GST up to 10%. There is enough exemption in that tax to make it feasible for the people with lower incomes to manage. Plus it does tax the rich which everyone appears to enjoy. Personally I think everyone should pay their share of taxes and not spend so much time trying to not pay taxes; just pay the taxes it would likely save you money in the long run.

The events in Israel this past week plus have shown us that we are not safe from the Satanic countries of this world (five Canadians are now known dead and others still missing). Even here in Canada there were actually people cheering for Hamas which is unacceptable in this country. That is not free speech; it is hate. I think perhaps those images of the signs rank up there with the pictures of the Concentration Camps in my childhood on the News Reels. Support for Satanic entities is beneath the dignity of any Canadian. It is beneath the dignity of the world. These people have to be gone from our society - they can not play a role in it. In order to help the United Nations to enforce that aim we must do as we did  after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City. It must be a united effort to take down Hamas. Israel has keep them corralled but now is the moment for the United Nations to act once again to protect the civilians of the world from the Satanic forces that constantly swirl around us. They destroy with no regard for age, sex or limitation. They have no modus operandi other than destruction and death. They are barbarians and have lost their right to freedom. All through my childhood I celebrated as Nazis were found around the world and incarcerated or executed. It gave some relief to those horrible images on the news reels of my childhood. The dream that Satan can be eliminated from our world.

Free the hostages Hamas; Hamas you are the scum of the earth. Continue to flee Gazans away from Hamas that wants to use you only as human shields as they cringe in the darkness of their tunnels like rats awaiting their fate (more than a million Gazans are now away from Gaza City). Hamas are cowards as they cower underground. There is a reason that darkness is associated with Satan it is because it is without human qualities; Hamas are simply leeches denying life to Israel; trying to suck out the life blood of Israel. 

Moving forward into a new week in the world. God's world and it is for everyone that follows His commandments. It is even for those who do not believe but still follow the natural commandment to love one's fellow man but it is not for those whose very existence is dedicated to murder and mayhem. 

In some ways the world has changed very little from the world I first remember when the forces of evil, although defeated, could still be seen in our world; one face of evil replaces another in much too quick a succession. No wonder the children of the world feel lost. How can mankind make the great advances in our world when we are constantly suffocated by the evil that is fed into the world by the Terrorist nations. 

China says it is enough but what is enough? Enough comes when Hamas lays down their arms and releases the hostages and stops defiling our world. Enough is when the children of Israel can go to sleep once again without fear and there are children of Israel all over the world. Enough is when our streets are not full of people supporting Hamas an evil entity in our world. Enough is when Russia gets out of Ukraine. Enough is when the world is at peace and people stop hating. 

Until the Michaels were seized in China I felt that as a country they had chosen a path which suited them although I do not know anything about the internal workings of their country nor do I need to particularly. I do not trust them now but I felt they had interesting things to say in the world  and I still do. I still listen when they speak and I hope that they will support Israel as Israel recovers. 

I remember from my childhood the stories of the great endurance that China showed in their path to victory in the Second World War. The visual of millions of Chinese people moving west to secure a place to work their industries; to protect their people remains with me. People walking walking, carrying their children as they trekked west to protect themselves and to produce the arsenal that would help them to cast the Nazis from their land remains with me all these years. They know what it is to be invaded; the Rape of Nanjing (Nanking) must still be burnt in their soul. The process of freeing their land was a much larger battle but surely they can see and understand the Israeli desire to remove forever the threat of Hamas to their country. The world needs to help them; the world should do it as we have all been wronged by Hamas murdering our citizens. The United Nations was created for just such a purpose.

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