Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday and in the Christian World God's Day

I always found the pattern interesting Friday is the Holy Day for the Muslims, Saturday is the Holy Day for Judaism and Sunday for Christianity (and all of these Holy days start at sundown on the day before). Three days of Adoration for God and He is the same God for all three. I do actually believe that God sent a Prophet to the peoples of the Middle East. I think Christians should realize that God is omnipotent and we can not say what He decides when it is something as wondrous as Prophets for His peoples all over the world. I do probably doubt that there has been a Prophet since then mostly because there isn't a history like there is for the creation of Judaism from the beginning of time, Christianity or Islam. That we have three Holy Days in every week in our world is wondrous actually. When I was confirmed I learned about the other religions since I am Christian but it was a long time ago so I am constantly learning. When I was working in the Hospital I was the Administrative Assistant for the Hematopathology Residency Program at University of Ottawa working in the Ottawa Hospital Hematopathology Division and had the opportunity to meet a number of people of the Muslim faith. It was a wonderful experience and I learned a great deal about their faith just from knowing them. I hope my Christianity was also something that they recognized in me.They are all doctors in their own countries I suspect as they were Foreign students in the program sent by their countries to do their Residency which was four years at that time. 

Ian White's Psalms are playing the background as usual and today Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m. on YouTube. I did ponder the sermon through the week with the discussion on prayer types - Help, Adoration and Wow. 

I have prayed a lot this week for the people of Afghanistan recovering from earthquakes (another one today), for the people of Ukraine fighting to free their country from the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers and especially for freedom for the hostages taken from Israel during the attack by Hamas and for the recovery of the people of Israel injured that day and for the souls of the people from all over the world who were killed that day over 1300 people in just a couple of hours - babies (and so horribly), young children (equally devastating), women (raped and murdered|), men beheaded. Israel had to close its borders and seal itself off and that meant no electricity, no fuel, no transfers of any kind to Gaza or anywhere and it is totally the fault of Hamas who attacked Israel - the war crimes are all committed by Hamas; the atrocities are all committed by Hamas.

Free the Hostages Hamas and they better be in good shape. Truly a 9/11 moment as they come from all over the world. 

Flee Gazans; flee as the Israelis told you to safety in the south - surely the rich countries around Israel and Gaza will provide food, water, tents, bedding, clothing for all of you and schools until your homes can be rebuilt and you can return home. Hamas has wronged you people of Gaza; free yourselves from them. Hamas has wronged all the people of the Middle East as the cost of this Satanic rampage will fall on their shoulders. Destruction of Hamas is the only answer; whether they spend the rest of their days in a penal colony or whatever; they need to be gone from the face of the earth; hidden away where we do not have to see them or deal with them. They must all have trackers in their body where they cannot remove them without harming themselves so that they can be brought back to the penal colony if that is the result. There was a bomb under the flatbed truck which blew up on the highway; Hamas' work as they are trying to stop you from leaving. They need you to be human shields; they have no regard for your safety. Take your people out of the hospitals (they are run by Hamas) if you feel they can stand it and bring them to safety.

The State of Palestine should have been created years ago and perhaps now it will happen finally. It is Hamas that is the problem. They are Evil and have brought down all this destruction upon Gaza. The commandments say love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. Hamas has broken the commandments; they are the aggressor; they are totally at fault and responsible for all of the deaths (including Palestinian). Hamas continues to bomb Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself and close itself off from the rest of the world except for trying to retrieve their people whilst they recover in mind, body and soul. They continue to find bodies of their citizens (and perhaps those of other countries who were visiting the Music Festival that evening) in the dust and dirt of Gaza.

Now I shall concentrate on Sunday, God's Day. And I did end up doing it alone as Church was not on YouTube after all. I did not read my Bulletin last Sunday when the change was made. Although I love the service on YouTube today I am thinking a lot about the people of Israel and the people of Gaza. Both have suffered because of Hamas. Israel has turned on the water in South Gaza as the US requested them to do. They are, although visited by many peoples of the world, still in isolation. Their movements outward are to find their citizens in the streets of Gaza where they were dragged after they were murdered. Although that has not been confirmed; I do not know if they could have been alive at the start of the dragging. Hamas is a Satanic group. Iran supports them so we know where Iran sits on that spectrum but Canadians already knew that as they shot down an airplane killing all on board headed to Canada from their own airport. 

I see the people of Khan Yunis, Gaza are preparing food for the people coming from northern Gaza. How wonderful of them to help their people. 

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