Saturday, October 14, 2023

Today was an interesting day

It would appear that at some point the crossing at Rafah was not able to open after all. Hamas had bombed the Israeli side of the crossing making it unusable. They need to prepare sheets electronically to give to the people to go with their passport so they can be passed through to the Egyptian side but there isn't any power.  Plus the road is full of ruts in the crossing from the bombing by Hamas which has meant that the supplies that Egypt has on their side for Gaza could not be driven through the crossing. Perhaps they could just carry it through. Well I guess Hamas is just a problem for everybody. In the meantime, the people of Gaza who have come to the south do need food and water and there it is  just on the other side of the fence. I do hope they get things fixed quickly plus I also hope that the wealthy countries around Gaza/Israel will soon have sent food and water, tents and bedding to Egypt to be sent through the Rafah Crossing to help to house the people of Gaza. I didn't realize that Hamas was also in the southern part of Gaza. Strange that they would bomb the crossing; very careless of them really with all those people coming as instructed by Israel as they needed to intensify the bombing. Hamas warned Ashkelon, Israel that they would be bombing and people should leave so seemed like the right thing to do. I do understand why the UN would worry; but surely saving all those Palestinians lives is the right thing to do. The wealthy countries around Gaza can surely manage to supply these people until they get their new homes built. Probably there are a lot of trained people in Gaza who could work on them and make some money during the building. Then they can go back to working for the Israelis like they were.

Perhaps the other countries are worried that people will try to go through the fence and come to their countries. No ideas on that but I rather think if there is food, water, medical supplies, tents and bedding available the Palestinians will just wait until they can go back home again. It might be a while though before the wealthy countries around them get new buildings built. They should also set up schools for the children as well and they will need books and supplies. 

Hamas has certainly created a great many problems for the other countries in the Middle East. But many of those countries are wealthy so I am sure they can handle all the requirements for housing the people of Gaza until they have homes to return to. 

I did like the idea that the nuclear research facilities in Iran could be attacked. They do not actually need them there are already enough nuclear weapons in the world to blow it up several times over. I understand lists of the members of Hamas are being created along with pictures so that they can be easily spotted if they happen to escape; they will have a good price on their head for sure I rather think. They could try to hide but invariably someone will turn them in for money. Quite often it is someone that they trust actually so changing the look of yourself might not help very much. 

It is a waiting time for sure. Lots more time for the people of Gaza to continue to move south. By the look of the map there should be enough room (it is twice as wide there) for all of them especially when the donated tents and sleeping mats arrive. They will need clothes likely as well as a lot of them walked and couldn't carry all their clothes and their children. They preferred to bring their children; sounds logical to me. The best way to keep people settled in one place is to provide food and water, tents and bedding, schools and the necessary books supplies etc and of course clothing. Winter is coming. I have no idea how cold it gets there but that is a bit lucky I do think it is not as cold as it gets here so not that double expense of two sets of clothing - summer and winter. 

I did manage to get some writing done through the day. But it was move things to the shed day. So that took a bit of time but I am all finished. My hibernation has begun for sure.

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