Saturday, November 4, 2023

Accomplishment on the Siderfin book

Gradually after a busy period I am back to the Siderfin book. Working on the Rew family and it is my own and I have records that were purely part of the family records and not online but trying to fit them into online records was not successful totally so I am doing a combo of what I have with what I can find. That does slow me down a little but the extra details are helpful I think. This story of what is basically a fairly old British family (can be traced back to Somerset in the 1200s although the period between 1200s and 1500s is not fully known but that is the case for many families). This time of the Black Death Plagues the 1300s/1400s leaves many families without adequate notation of the generations that flowed through the time period. England is said to have lost as much as three quarters of its population during the Black Death Plagues and their population did not fully recover until the early 1800s. It was a sad time with entire villages disappearing from the map with all inhabitants lost to the plague. Usually I am not looking quite so far back but now working on family books the records that do exist also exist in this time frame. 

Today is the DNA group meeting and I shall certainly try to attend. I am remembering to use Alexa to remind me of these activities after missing the Conference. They are quite interesting although my presence may scarcely be noted and I do not mind; I enjoy being on the sidelines looking in. I have not attended meetings to any degree in the last five years and it is hard to believe that 2018 is so long ago now. As we come out of the watershed moment that COVID-19 created we have lived through a period that only some of our ancestors experienced in their lifetimes. A period when the world seemed to come to a halt; regroup and restart itself. Looking at historical watersheds these are often turbulent periods in history or periods of great migration when one emerges from a watershed event and only time will tell as it is in the recording of the history of the time that we learn about the effects even if we do live them. They are sometimes so slow we do not notice or so heinous we get swallowed up in the events that follow. Having the United Nations should be a grounding organization and they are certainly trying to be that. They are now stepping back and letting the events flow and trying to assist where they can. I think that is perhaps their role because we do not know the ending. But one does pray that good sense and protection for the weak will prevail and not barbarism. 

The reality exists though that just as Ukraine can not stop fighting or they will disappear we have Israel engaged in the same sort of survival - one notes that Israel continues to be bombed both from the North and the South by two barbaric enemies who have sworn to annihilate them. Both countries must rely on their sources of information to aid them. We, as a result, in the west as the barbarians refer to us have judged the cause of both Ukraine and Israel worthy. Those who oppose Ukraine and Israel will have to either back down or suffer the consequences of their barbaric attacks which both Ukraine and Israel have suffered all because of the psychopathic Nazi element of destruction within the barbarians who oppose their very existence. Memories are long enough to recall the brutality that Ukraine has suffered as well as Israel. One ignores such memories to their peril. The land belongs to Ukraine on the one hand and to Israel on the other hand; their ancient heritages on their lands are proven. The world is tired of ignorant barbaric wars. Release the hostages. Hostage taking is barbaric.

The day is moving onward and I have much to do before the DNA meeting. 

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