Friday, November 3, 2023

Time marches onward

 I am saddened very much by the deaths of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza but then I have been for years. 12% of the children yearly died from drinking unsanitary water under the watch of Hamas (with 50,000 pregnancies noted in a nine month interval that extrapolates to about 65,000 pregnancies a year) and that would be in itself 12% of 65,000 new births or 7800 of those infants did not survive under the old regime just from the unsanitary water and that isn't including the 1,000,000 who are children already in Gaza so 12% of 1,000,000 is 120,000 children per year are dying from unsanitary water whilst Hamas steals all the money that is sent by the world to help the Palestinians. Then there is the lack of commercial entities in Gaza; surely the money going to them could have built factories etc etc in Gaza so that the average family income would be considerably more than $60 (US) per month. Again the money lining the coffers of Hamas and building underground tunnels to attack a free and sovereign country namely Israel. Hamas must go and from the world entirely like ISIS they are devoted to eradication of everyone that isn't Muslim (and some of the Muslims do not do very well under their watch). We all have a right to the world but in the long run God will judge these barbarians I am sure of that. Their hypocritical attitude would turn the world back to a dark age where no progress is made. God didn't give us brains so that we would stick our head in the sand and accomplish nothing except barbaric acts; they are a waste of human DNA. 

Then there is trust; it was the Palestinians working in Israel who gave accurate descriptions of the villages that were attacked by Hamas. Their treachery will also be noted by God but are they all treacherous; on that we are giving them the benefit of the doubt. But if they are found around Hamas then one has to wonder (use your butcher knives in the dark and escape if they prevent your going). Kick Hamas out to have a Palestinian State. Palestinians can force them out towards the Mediterranean; perhaps the Houthi rebels will rescue or Hezbollah perhaps. Or Hamas could swim but get out of Gaza as you are worthless people who do nothing for the Palestinian people to whom we are giving the benefit of the doubt; that they were not all engaged in treachery against Israel. Hamas kills 12% of the children over time because they are thieves robbing Palestinians of a decent life. One has to wonder why they are so sloppy. Who benefits from all these ignorant deaths through the years in Gaza? Why do the Arab nations not put an end to Hamas? The Arab nations should destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and all the other savage groups that do not know how to live in the 21st century. Most people in the world want peace but not peace at any price.

Although I believe in freedom of the press; I do wish they would stop and think before they report the news. CBC could be a leader in that regard and not try to out-best others. Wait and see what time brings and then tell us the truth and not a lot of backtracking needed then. We do after all have a relatively free press. But keep those foreign flags off of our streets and any hate signs - both should be illegal unless there is a permit and given that expression of hate is illegal we will have none of that. Hamas is a terrorist organization and a worthless one just one look at Gaza can tell you that; the billions poured in and all that they have to show is a lot of armaments and an underground tunnel system and polluted water systems.

The King's visit would mean the Union Jack would be permitted, the visit of the French President and we could have the Tri-colour of France, etc. etc. But marching about in response to what often later turns out to be unsubstantiated items needs to stop. I do believe in freedom of expression but do it in your own back yard and write letters instead. The encampment on the hill was an experience that should never be repeated. People were allowed to break our bylaws and that should never happen without immediate consequences; informing should result in immediate compliance.

Busy these days but back to the Siderfin book later today. I am working on Thomas Rew's line for which I do have a lot of information but the census hasn't been easy to follow as the families visit each other and sorting them out; too much reuse of names for sure. The light is shinning brightly at the end of the tunnel for sure and this book will soon come to press. Then a lovely break, perhaps cataract surgery - no ideas on that for sure but must remember to call it is now November. I need to book shots and an optometrist appointment and organize myself for winter. I do begin to understand the frustration of people trying to live their lives around the needs of old age. 

Once again the day beckons onwards.

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