Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Busy day but all accomplished

 I did put in a busy day of cleaning yesterday and pretty  much stuck to that. Watched Question Period in Parliament and it was interesting as always. You do get a good window into the workings of parliament with Question Period but I suspect the members all remember they are on camera and behave accordingly.

I went through the large toy box in the basement last week and spent a little time checking out the toys today. I think I should take  more of them to Salvation Army. Will do that before Christmas so that people can buy them if they want for their children at  lower price than new. Most of them are just usual toys that do not really go out of style although now a days I think most children like to have some sort of a computer. But lego is still popular. Most of the lego is gone though; I already took that to Salvation Army. 

Other than that the day flew by but good accomplishment with just the basement left for today. I may get some raking done as well. Wednesday is supposed to be sunny so may put the car in the garage since snow is predicted for Thursday. If enough then it will be cleared away by the company that I hired. 

Interesting the comment by one of the parents of a young Bedouin who was at the Concert in Israel and deliberately and brutally killed by Hamas on camera. They want blood and I suspect no one should get in their way. Although Jesus brought us God's new commandments I am not entirely sure that those new commandments will save the Hamas satanists who killed this man's son and the many other children killed that day just enjoying music. The family of the Hamas satanist is also threatened. The psychopathic Satanists Hamas must go. Release the hostages Hamas. 

Work on the book today; I did not really do anything yesterday. Breakfast.

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